Chapter 46

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    This oneshot's gonna be a little different from the rest. MAGICALLEVENING456 requested that this time, I do a Sonic movie oneshot. This might be new for me, because I've never seen any of the live-action Sonic movies, but I'm willing to give it a go.

    Green Hills, Montana. It was a quaint little place in the United States hidden away by a mountainous forest area. So in a way, you might call it a "mountain town" as it were. Most of the town's buildings ran along the main street running through the center of it. The town also has a sheriff's department and a baseball field. And it was where its heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog and his brothers, Miles "Tails" Prower the Fox and Knuckles the Echidna, lived with their adopted parents, the local town sheriff Tom Wachowski and his wife, the most respected veterinarian Maddie Wachowski. The three boys had a much better life with the couple than what they had went through in the past:

    Sonic was orphaned for several years after the death of his guardian Longclaw (I think she's, like, an owl or something), who sacrificed herself to save his life from attackers.

    Tails was, of course, bullied by people who made fun of him because of his namesakes and his hobby of building and inventing stuff (we all probably know that anyway).

    And like Sonic, Knuckles was also orphaned after his entire tribe was killed when they went to get back their Master Emerald.

    After meeting each other (though it was a bit rocky after first meeting the Echidna), Tom and Maddie, and later helping in defeating Dr. Eggman, the three were accepted into Tom and Maddie's lives. It wasn't easy for two humans raising three powerful aliens with super speed (Sonic), flight (Tails), and super strength (Knuckles) respectively, but they managed to make it work. Even at times when the youngest (being Tails, of course) ended up being depressed because of something gone wrong. What happened recently was one of those times...

    It all started on Monday when the three boys started going to school. While most of the kids were surprised to see them, especially if their powers were involved, there were a few bullies that started to pick on Tails because of his namesakes. While not all the kids fortunately didn't pick on him (they found him to be quite cute and fluffy), these jerks would constantly bully him whenever they got the chance, telling him that he was freak, that no family wanted him, and that he was never loved. And of course, they beat him up and threatened to kill him if he told anyone about it. This torture went on for the rest of the week, and Tails hated every second of it. So he was relieved when the weekend finally came.

    Tails just so happened to be the only one home on Saturday. Maddie and Tom were at work, Sonic was looking for someone to help during his patrol, and Knuckles? Knuckles was probably at Wade's place helping him (as was shown in that new TV show that had come out not too long ago). So Tails was the only one at the house. He was currently outside sitting up in a tree branch in the backyard, left alone to his thoughts. Said thoughts were really tormenting him, no matter how much he tried to push them away, causing tears to come out his eyes. The nightmares he had every night that week didn't help either.

    Eventually, Tails decided to go check the mailbox for anything. After seeing nothing inside, he closed the door and was about to go back inside the house when he heard familiar voices. To his dread, he saw those bullies heading right for him. Scared, Tails was about to run away, only for them to see him and give chase. They were about to catch him and beat him up to death when loud barks suddenly interrupted them. Looking up, the now-scared bullies ran away from the property as a dog raced after them, barking angrily at them until he got to the edge of the driveway's entrance. Tails smiled at who it was. It was Ozzy, a Golden Retriever who was the family's dog.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now