Chapter 22

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    Tails was pretty excited one day. "Hey Sonic," he said as he and Sonic walked around town. "Ready for the New Year?"

    Sonic smiled. "You bet I am little bro," he said. "Pretty much everyone here is."

    "Same with Eggman," Tails said. "Speaking of which, what do you think his goal is?"

    "You mean his New Year's resolution?" Sonic asked. "Probably trying to kick my butt, only to fail as always."

    "Oh I don't know about 'always'," Tails replied. "There have been times where Eggman's been pretty serious about getting rid of you. And he's actually gotten pretty close to it to."

    "True," Sonic admitted, "but in the end, we'll always prevail against any bad plan he's got thrown at us, right bro?"

    Tails smiled at that. "Right," he said with a thumbs up.

    "Meanwhile," Sonic continued, "my New Year's resolution's gonna be helping others alongside my team and spending time with my little bro."

    Saying this, he proceeded to give Tails a head ruffle, making the little fox laugh. "And also," the speedster added, "it'll be to give him a much better life."

    "Sonic, you've already done that," Tails said. "You don't really need to do anything else for me."

    "True, but after what you've previously been through, you deserve it," Sonic said. "So what about you, little bro? Got any New Year resolutions planned?"

    Tails thought about it for a while before something in his head clicked with one. "Trying to be the best little brother you've had and helping everyone," he said.

    Sonic smiled. "Good one," he said, ruffling Tails's bangs.

    That gesture made Tails giggle. Sonic always loved messing his hair up.
    New Year's Eve was soon here. Everyone was excited for it and were eagerly counting down the seconds until midnight. Currently, Tails was in his workshop early that morning working on his inventions when Sonic came in. Tails turned to greet him, only to see that the older hedgehog looked pretty tired. "You okay?" he asked.

    "Yeah. Just tired," Sonic replied. "I got ambushed by Metal Sonic on the way here."

    "Metal who?" Tails asked. He hadn't heard of him before.

    "Metal Sonic," Sonic answered. "Basically, he's like me, but he's evil since he was created by Eggman. He's always giving me some competition."

    Tails shook with worry as he stood from his chair and walked over to his brother. Sonic smiled at him reassuringly. "Don't worry little bro," he said. "I'll be alright. Just need some rest, that's all."

    "You sure?" asked Tails.

    Sonic just reached out and hugged him, pulling his little brother's shaking frame close to him. "I'm sure," he said.

    Knowing that there was no use arguing against that, Tails helped Sonic to his house and laid him down on the couch. Grabbing a nearby blanket, he draped it over him. "Hope you have a good rest," he said.

    Sonic smiled. "Me to, little bro," he said as he fell asleep.
    A few hours passed with Sonic dozing on the couch while Tails was in the workshop. He checked on Sonic every now and then to see if he was still sleeping and if he was comfortable. So far, things were going good. Afterwards, Sonic woke up feeling refreshed. "Now that's what I'm talking about," he said. "Nothing like a good nap to get me feeling better."

    As he sat up and stretched, the door opened. And before he knew it, he found himself getting pounced on by Tails in a hug. Sonic grunted from the surprise, but nonetheless hugged him back. "Glad you're doing better Sonic," said the little fox.

    Sonic smiled. "Me to, little bro," he said. "Now how about we have some racing?"

    Tails's face lit up. "Yes please!" he said. "It's been ages since we've last done that!"

    Happily, they headed outside to the edge of the forest. At Sonic's signal, they took off running and flying respectively. An orange and a blue blur was all that could be seen as the two raced through Bygone Island. They tore around bends, zipped up hills, and sped through clearings. When they got to the finish line (back at Tails's place), Sonic won as usual, but this time, Tails was pretty close. "Almost beat you, dude," he panted.

    "You're getting better and better at it," Sonic acknowledged. "That's great."

    Tails smiled. "Thanks, bro," he said as he hugged him, standing on his toes while doing so.

    Sonic didn't hesitate to return the embrace. "So you think you're ready to stay up all night tonight?" he asked a little bit later.

    Tails looked up at him. "Stay up all night?" he questioned. "You're always getting on me to not do that."

    "Yeah, on a normal night. But this time, it's different," Sonic said. "Today's New Year's Eve, and it's always common for people to stay up all night long so they can greet the New Year. You'll love it, Tails. I assure you. And who knows? Maybe it'll turn out better for you than this year."

    "I hope so," Tails sighed, his namesakes swishing behind him.

    "I know so," Sonic replied, tightening his embrace a little.
    After doing a few more races, Sonic and Tails were inside Tails's house later that night with the rest of the team, eagerly awaiting the New Year. Amy had the TV turned on to a ball drop in Times Square to welcome it, and right now, they were all waiting for the moment to come. A few hours later into the night, it was soon down to a minute. "Guys, hurry!" Amy called. "It's happening!"

    No one needed to be told twice. They all raced into the main living area, watching as the countdown progressed. In not too long, the moment arrived: "5... 4... 3... 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"

    The team cheered at the arrival of the New Year. Hopefully, it'll be better than last year. For Sonic, it was already better: he had gained a new little brother in Tails, and the team had gained a new member of their little group. Speaking of which, said fox was cheering along with everyone else, but it was clear that he was tired. He didn't show it until everyone else had eventually left. As soon as they were gone, he let it crash down on him big time, causing him to stumble. Sonic smiled as he just scooped him up in his arms and carried him to his room. There, he laid him down in bed and after tucking him in snugly, kissed his forehead.

    He was planning on going back home himself, but Tails had a death grip on him, as if he wanted him to stay. Knowing that he was prone to sometimes having nightmares, Sonic just smiled as he climbed into bed with him, sliding right under the covers. Tails sighed with a satisfied mewl as he curled up close to Sonic, a purr rumbling from him as he nuzzled his big brother and wrapped his namesakes around him. Sonic purred back as he wrapped his arms around his brother, kissing his forehead and smoothing the white fur on his cheek. "Happy New Year's, Tails," the hedgehog whispered. "I love you."

    "Same here," Tails yawned before becoming still with sleep.

    Sonic smiled and got himself comfortable before falling asleep as well, hopeful for what was to come.

    Happy New Year's Day, everyone.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now