Chapter 30

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    Warning ahead of time for any type of bad stuff that happens in this chapter. Plus, there's a bit of a surprise here. You'll find out who it is...

    Tails had been feeling way, way down in the dumps for the last month or so. Mostly because of what happened during Pride Month, a.k.a. June. Pride Month was when people all over the world in the LGBTQ+ community celebrated their sexuality and took pride in it. But Tails was having a hard time with it. Sure, he loved Sonic, but his feelings for him were entirely platonic; he was his brother after all, and there was nothing romantic between them. But there were some people in town that thought otherwise; since Sonic and Tails hung out with each other a lot, they thought that they were more than brothers. Tails tried to dissuade them to no success; they just wouldn't listen. At least the team thought otherwise; Amy, Sticks, and Knuckles all knew that they were just brothers, nothing else. Tails was thankful for that, but it was still hard for him. His only true love was Cosmo (and we all know what happened to her *ahem, ahem* looking at you, Dark Oak).

    Ever since Pride Month, Tails would always spend his days holed up in either his bedroom in his house or his workshop-- if he was lucky to get there without getting caught, that is. The only time he would have to leave any of those places was when he had to go to town to get something he needed, only to get hounded by LGBTQ+ members. It became more and more unbearable until Tails felt like he couldn't stand it anymore. He wasn't gay or anything like that; it wasn't who he was. He felt like he was gonna snap sooner or later; it was too much for him to deal with. Eventually, it ended up with him holed up in either his room or the forest (again, if he was lucky to not get spotted) crying his eyes out. It didn't take long for Sonic and the team to take notice of this, even though Tails didn't tell them, but what would happen later would not only show how scared Tails really was about the whole situation, but a special person, who Tails loved with his life, would finally come back after a long time...
    One particularly bad day in town, Tails found himself surrounded by a massive LGBTQ+ mob. "Guys, just leave me alone!" he said. "I'm not gay or anything like that! I just love Sonic platonically! Why can't you just let me go and let me go about my day!?"

    But it was no use; they wouldn't listen to him. They dragged him off, beating him and trying to get him to say that he was gay, but he wouldn't comply. And they still wouldn't listen when Tails tried to tell them otherwise. Arriving at an abandoned house, they dragged him in and, after drugging him, threw him onto the floor.

    From there, everything became a blurr to the poor fox. He felt himself getting touched everywhere and beaten as something was tied onto his mouth to prevent him from saying anything. His wrists and ankles were tied up along with his tails, and a blurr of muffled voices could be heard all around him. He tried to move, but it was in vain; the drugs given to him made him weak and sluggish, and he couldn't even defend himself. He was forced to just lay there and let it happen, no matter how much he didn't want it otherwise. As he began crying, Tails wished that his brothers, his friends... anyone... would come and help him. If there was ever a time that he needed help, this was one of those times...

    Then, as if someone from above heard his prayers, a crash was heard. Everyone was screaming in fright and sounded like they were trying to run away to no avail. Some tried grabbing Tails, but the little fox didn't feel anything get at him anymore. The sounds of fighting could be heard as Tails felt strong, gentle hands untie the ropes that bound him and got whatever gag he had off his mouth. Sluggishly opening his eyes, Tails tried to see what was happening, but everything was all blurry. Seeing that he was laying in a puddle of something cream-white colored, a whimper left his throat until he felt hands gently pick him up from the ground, moving him until he was being cradled in a pair of strong arms. Though his vision was blurry, Tails could still see who it was when he turned his head to see a splotch of red and white. "Kn... Knu...?" he tried to say, his voice strained.

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