002 | everything will be okay

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The two couples had arrived only an hour ago for their week-ish long trip away for Adalyn's twenty second birthday, heading from the airport to their two bedroom, top floor, hotel suite which overlooked the city.

She had debated for a little while from new years to only a few days ago on where she wanted to spend her birthday, but what she did know was that she wanted to be with her boyfriend and Valentina as well as Jonah.

And after going over many ideas and location options with Jack, she had settled on Las Vegas since it was the one place she never got to fully experience as a teen, for obvious reasons, and also wasn't too far in travel.

Now standing there in their hotel bedroom, the couple had their arms wrapped around each other as they soaked in a bit more time alone together before they met back up with their friends to head out for quick dinner and a couple drinks.

"Are you ready to go yet?" Jack kept his tone low.

"mhm.." Adalyn hummed while lifting her head up off his chest, smiling as she looked into his eyes. "Maybe just a couple kisses first."

"okay," he chuckled slightly, leaning in closer and attaching their lips.

She moved her hands from around his neck onto his cheeks as their lips continued to move in sync. Chasing after his lips as he attempted to pull away, which he easily gave into, placing a few more kisses on her lips before a couple trailing down her neck and resting his head on her shoulder.

Adalyn done the same with her head as her arms dropped down his body, standing there engulfed in each others' comfort despite knowing they were suppose to be ready and out of their room at least five minutes ago now.

"I love you," he whispered against her shoulder.

"I don't want you to leave," she blurted out in response.

"For tour?" Jack furrowed as he lifted his head back up, unwrapping his arms and grabbing ahold of her hands while removing them from himself, keeping hold of them as she softly nodded. "Tour doesn't actually start for like another month from now.."

"but can we just stay here forever, I don't want you to leave.."

"I'm not leaving, gorgeous, I'm just going away for a couple months," he explained. "And you know that you're always allowed to come and visit whenever you'd like."

"I don't want to do long distance though.." she confessed with a small sniffle whilst shaking her head, "I'm scared I'm going to fuck things up."

"Since we started talking again, how many guys have you gotten with?" he asked, more so wanting her to realise something rather than actually wanting an answer.

"One, but like technically none.." she slightly muttered. "and I regret kissing that guy.."

"Okay, and you also spent the three months before that not getting with other guys," he mentioned. "So that's six months and you got with one guy out of anger cause we were fighting or something."


"And we haven't fought since that time," he reminded her. "So, Adalyn, I don't think there's anything you should be stressing about. Unless of course you're think about doing something.."

"I'm not," she quickly defended herself. "I'm just scared I'm gonna end up in a situation, probably drunk- actually if were to happened I'd definitely be drunk, where I just can't help myself because I probably won't feel loved by you when you're across the country from me."

"Then don't put yourself in a situation where that could happen," he replied while softly shaking his head. "I know you enjoy physical touch, you make it very clear and I know how difficult it can be when we're so far from each other but we'll make it work, okay?"

"I just-"

"Ads, this week is all about you," he interrupted her, still talking in a softly spoken tone. "Let's worry about all this when we get home."

"Will we have time to though?" she slightly titled her head, knowing how busy his schedule was going to be.

"There's.." he thought about it all for a little moment, "just under a month between getting back from here and Hawaii to when I leave for tour, and although I'll be at rehearsals and with the boys a lot of those days, I'll be at your's every night so we'll have plenty of time."


"Everything will be okay," Jack reassured her. "You have Valentina. You have all your other friends. You have your podcast, you could always do a second episode of that every week. I'm sure you'll fine plenty of things to do to fill in your time."

"Now are you ready to go?" he continued, receiving a nod from the girl. "Promise me that we can just enjoy this week together and not worry about everything else?"

"I promise.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


first official BOOK THREE chapter
omg i can't believe i'm saying that. i hope
you all enjoyed it, i'm so excited for this

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