009 | you'll survive

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"I'm so fucking tired," Jack mumbled, leaving his luggage by the entrance of the rehearsals room and let out a yawn as he walked over to where a couple for his friends were.

"Did you only just get back from Hawaii?" Daniel asked.

"mhm. Landed like an hour ago," he nodded while taking a seat on the floor and looking up at the other boys. "I came here straight from the airport."

"We we're discussing the other day.." Corbyn spoke up, "I think we're gonna put out Let Me Down Easy out the week before tour starts and then keep Just Friends as unreleased while we tour, keep it as tour only for the US portion."

"I'm cool with that," Jack agreed. "We've taken Love Somebody out then I'm guessing?"

"Yeah, we just thought it's more of a ending- or we'll play towards the end of the set and we felt like it was wrong to have it be unreleased cause then no one knows it," he explained.

"And the set list is already quite long so one less song that's unreleased anyway isn't gonna hurt the fans," Daniel added. "Plus we can always just added it in if we ever decide we wanna preform it during this leg of the tour."

"Fair," Jack nodded once again. "Where's Jonah and Zach at? Are they not coming."

"I'm sure they're coming, just taking their time," Daniel replied, glancing over at the entrance as the door opened. "Here's Jonah now actually."

"So sorry, I got caught up, didn't realise the time," Jonah apologised as he walked over to them, coffee in hand.

"Still not the last one though," Corbyn chuckled.

"Zach's here, I saw him pulling up as I was opening the door," he mentioned. "How was Hawaii Jack, Val said Adalyn didn't go?"

"It was good," the boy responded as he finally stood up. "And Adalyn didn't end up coming which is why I Ubered here- can someone remind me to take my bags when we leave as well, I'll probably forget."

"yeah of course."

"Is it bad for me to admit that I'm kinda glad she didn't come.." Jack continued. "Not in a like I don't want to spend time with her way but more like I got to properly spend my time with Lavender and also it gave us a chance to see how she goes alone, with us going on tour soon and all that."

"I don't think that's bad, no," Daniel softly shook his head, the groups attention quickly turning to the youngest as he entered the room and sharing a quick greeting with him before looking back at Jack. "It's good to spend time apart."

"And it's not like you spent it apart because of anything bad happening," Jonah added. "And I'm sure you quite enjoyed focusing on just your daughter."

"I did," he agreed. "But I was also quite worried about what Adalyn was up to.."

"Alright boys, you're all here and ready to start now," Randy gained their attention as Zach entered back into the room after going to the bathroom. "Jack, two weeks off, you've miss a lot of changes so you've got some adjusting to do.. so let's get into it."

"Yeah, I'll be good," Jack nodded.

"I'm so pumped for tour!" Daniel expressed, as he grabbed his microphone off the stand and flipping it in his hand. "I'm ready."

After going over the setlist numerous times, their rehearsal for the day had concluded and the five boys had left started heading home. Jack continued to leave Adalyn's many messages on delivered and not tell her when he'll be 'home' as he booked an uber to her apartment complex.

Knocking on the door of place, the girl had hesitantly answered since was wasn't necessarily expecting anyone soon but was quick to wrap her arms around his torso and lay her head against his chest once she saw it was him.

"How are you?" Jack softly spoke as he let go of his suitcase, his arms going around her neck and placing a small singular kiss on the top of her shoulder.

"glad that you're home," Adalyn mumbled against him.

"Are you gonna let me in?" he chuckled slightly as he lifted his head back up after a few seconds of silence while they had soaked in each other.

"I missed you," she whispered, picking her head up and placed a couple kisses on his lips.

"I miss you too," he returned one more final kiss before they unwrapped their arms from each other. "So what's happening at the moment?"

"I was getting dinner ready so it could be cooked when you got here," she explained, pointing over at the food she had started preparing.

"Okay, let me go put my bag in your room then we can make dinner," Jack smiled at the girl.

While he made his way down the hallway, Adalyn went back to finish what was had been doing prior to her boyfriend arriving and also getting out all the pans and everything else she need for their dinner.

Jack came back out to the kitchen, gently wrapping his arms around the girl's waist from behind and rested his head against her as he watched her hands.

"Now that I'm home, are you going to tell me what were you up to the other day?" he spoke up, raising a brow at her.

Adalyn pressed her lips together slightly for a moment while she thought about what he was referring to. "Nothing," she softly giggled.

"What is too inappropriate for you to say you were watching, huh?" he continued to question as she glanced over her shoulder at him. "C'mon you can tell me."

"porn," she blurred out with another laugh.

"Oh okay.. that's what you mean by 'needed me time'," he chuckled. "What do you watch on there huh?"

"None of your business."


"Listen babe," she placed the knife down on the counter, then grabbed ahold of his hands and removed them from herself as she turned around to face him. "I was horny and you weren't here and I knew I was going to start my period so I had to work with what I had."

"And I didn't get to enjoy my time because someone had ruined it," she continued. "I really wished you would have told me you were calling, you're lucky I even answered."

"It's not the end of the world," he grinned.

"Yes it is, cause now I'm bleeding heavy and we can't even have sex now that you're home. I have to wait."

"You'll survive," he placed a quick kiss on her lips. "Now do you think you'll also survive me going on tour?"

"can we talk about it another day," she mumbled, letting go of his hands and turning back around. "Let's just make dinner and then watch a movie after."

"Okay then.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i was just gonna do the boys rehearsals
but thought it would be good to include
the jackalyn reunion as well also cause i
didn't know how to make that first part
longer lol

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