052 | i kinda cheated

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After the girls' long drive from Los Angeles, they had arrived in Seattle on the Sunday morning, while the band only arrived around midday the follow day, going straight to the hotel and getting food for lunch.

Yet since Adalyn had spent so much time awake, Jack spent the few hours in the city with his friends as he waited for her to wake up. Checking his phone often as they walked around until the girl had finally messaged him back, in which he then headed straight to the hotel.

Having a room service meal for dinner — or in her case breakfast — before starting to settle down for the night in together. Adalyn sat there on the bed, picking at her lips as she watched Jack search through his bag for the gift he had brought her a little while ago.

"I don't want your gift, Jack.. I don't want it, I don't deserve it," Adalyn blurted out, slightly catching the boy off guard as he turned to face her while furrowing his brows.

"Why do you think that?"

"I kinda cheated on you.."

"What?!" Jack exclaimed, a mixed of confused and shocked emotions rushing over. "What do you mean?"

"I regret it so much-"

"I don't care, when did it happen?" he raised his voice as he got up from the floor so he could see her better. "No bullshit to try to get around it, tell me when it happened and who the fuck you fucked."

"It was like a month ago.." she replied. "I went to a party with Lexi, she left me the second we got there and I got really drunk and high and then later on in the night this guy kissed me and then we went to a bedroom, and like he just touched me. I never touched him anywhere or initiated it.."

"Did you consent to it?"

"I was too drunk to even be making decisions.. he thinks I did and tried to tell me that I did, but I don't remember saying yes.."

"So you've spoken to this guy again after it happened?"

"Well he kept trying to call me so I finally answered him and told him not to call me again and made it even more clear that I have a boyfriend, although he already knew, then I blocked and deleted his number," she explained.

"But you gave him your number?"


"Why?" he furrowed. "Not only did you cheat on me but clearly planned for it to keep it going."

"I was mad at you," she raised her own voice in frustration. "And it never went any further then him like fingering me for only like fucking two seconds before I sobered up and realised what was going on and left."

"And if I broke up with you right now, would it had been worth it?" he lowered his voice and folded his arms as he looked at her.

"yes and no.."

"What the fuck do you mean?! It's either yes or no, not both."

"You wanna know something.. it made me feel like I was actually loved by someone after you, mr fucking 'I've got anxiety and I have panic attacks', a week prior made me break down in tears in front of strangers on the floor of the airport and feel fucking stupid for freaking out over getting my period.."

"Something I as a twenty-two year old should be completely fine with but I'm not because you caused me that pain that I now have to go through once every like, luckily, few months," she continued. "But sure, go ahead and say that you don't understand what that has to do with me cheating and how you hope it distracted me."

"So you're gonna put it back on me?!" Jack raised a brow. "I'm sorry that this is my job and I'm away from you for extended amounts of time. But you knew that this was going to happen before you asked to be my girlfriend. And you also know that you're allowed to come see me, it's not like you're physically not allowed so I don't see why you're making me sound like the issue."

"Yes, I will admit that I was a dick to you that day because I don't get much time with my daughter, and I in the moment thought you might of ruined that for me.. but I then apologised only hours later and continued to apologise many times after that. It wasn't like I went a week without talking to you and didn't make it known that I was sorry before you went and cheated."

"I think that you're overreacting.." Adalyn spoke up. "You and I are both smart enough to work out the fact that he took advantage of a girl who was alone and highly under the influence. And if you can't, I might have to start believe your ex and how she said you took advantage of her-"

"Don't even bring that up!" he quickly cut her off. "I've told you before how none of that is true."

"No you didn't.. I brought it up back when it happened and you basically told me to shut the fuck up."

"You know what Adalyn.." he changed the subject, "I do all this shit for you, like have many conversations about having kids and even consider it myself multiple times although I know I don't want another kid yet, but I still do just to keep you happy and all I get in return is you treating me like shit and I'm over it."

"I'll leave then, will that make you happy?" she rhetorically asked as she got up from the bed, grabbing her phone. "Maybe I actually go fuck Zach this time and give you an actual reason to hate me. Ooo and maybe even Corbyn as well while I'm at it, cause we both know he only calls me a slut cause he's jealous that I never got with him."

"Adalyn, if you walk out that door, even if you get up to nothing, I'm actually going to break up with you because I genuinely don't trust you right now," he spoke on the most calm tone he's used during the whole argument, folding his arms once again. "You decide."

Adalyn looked over at him for a second before glancing away. Letting out a huff and she almost threw her phone back down and got into bed, pulling the comforter over herself as she faced away from him.

Jack stood there for a second, watching her as she got comfortable and then shaking his head while he walked over to the door and turned off the room light before getting into bed himself — deciding just to also call it a night early.

Scrolling through his phone to try and tire himself out, his back facing her's as they laid there in silence. Adalyn's mind circled through a lot of regret, while his was trying to piece together the whole situation and trying to decide on how he wanted to handle it.

"Jack.." she quietly spoke up as she turned around to face him.

"yeah?" he replied while his gaze stayed on his lit up phone screen.

"I'm sorry.. it really wasn't worth it, I hate myself a lot for even going out, I should've just stayed home and drunk there instead.." she babbled as all she received in response from him was a small hum. "what are you up to tomorrow night?"

"I have a show," Jack bluntly spoke.

"what time would it be over?"

"I don't know like fucking eleven or something, and then we've gotta drive to the next city."

"oh.. what time does it start?"

"I'm busy all day, why?" he finally turned around to face her. "Why do you want to know all this?"

"I was going to ask if you wanted to go on a date.." she hesitantly replied. "I do really love you Jack.."

"You don't even like dates."

"but I want to prove that I love you and that I'd do anything for you.."

"I'll see.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]



anyway how do we feel about a jal
chapter next? calm things down a bit
but also warning; things might get a
little emotional

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