026 | you're down fuckin' bad

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A week had pasted since the band had left for tour and while Jack was enjoying the shows and the energy they had missed over the years and soaking in all the support as he stood on the stage in front of hundred, the aloneness in Los Angeles was slowly getting to Adalyn.

Replying to her boyfriend's messages less and less each day, not once leaving her apartment, and barely doing anything as she pretty much laid in bed all day long, zoned out while staring at the TV across the room from her.

Her phone was shut completely off, distancing herself from everyone in her life as seeing her boyfriend across the country, happy and seeming to cope perfectly fine without her was getting to be too much.

It had been over thirty hours since Adalyn had last slept — she had quickly fell into a state of bad insomnia and gaining an irregular sleep soon after Jack had left. And since she had nothing to do for herself, she'd been finding it hard to keep a regular schedule on her own.

She had tried to somewhat keep a schedule and distract herself in every way possible, from cooking a meal with the little ingredients she had to cleaning her apartment to self pleasuring, trying to keep things as close to how she previously did daily, yet nothing seemed to work.

Nothing seemed to work the way drinking alcohol and blacking out every night did the last time Jack had left her to go to Hawaii for a week. In her mind that was the only way she'd be able to sleep at night and be awake and social during the day.

And as much as she knew she shouldn't, her tired brain kept telling her "do it"..

So she dragged herself out of bed, pausing the show she had playing, then wandering her way into her bathroom and taking a seat on the cold tiled floor in front of the vanity cabinets to find one box in particular.

Ripping off the wrapper and grabbing the test as she moved herself over to the toilet. Deciding if she were going to do something that was bad for her body and health, she wanted rule out the one reason she wouldn't.

The next about three minutes she had spent in front of the vanity with her eyes glued on the stick she had just peed on, really hoping for a second line to appear. But as each of those minutes passed, the results were a very clear negative.

"fuck this fucking shit," Adalyn muttered as she chucked the test across the bathroom in anger.

Walking down the hallway, she soon let out a huff as she spun back around to go to her bedroom as she remembered how long it had been since she went to the liquor store and how Jack had drunk last of the alcohol she had before he left.

She flicked through the dresses she had hung up in her wardrobe and pulled out a short silky white one, soon replacing the oversized t-shirt she'd been wearing for hours with the dress, spritzing on a bit perfume and fixing up her hair.

Slipping her feet into her nikes without any socks and grabbing her keys before she left her apartment and took the elevator down a couple floors to her ex's place. Making sure to get the number of the apartment right this time, and impatiently knocking on the door.

"woah, woah, calm down," his roommate answered, rubbing his eyes to wake himself up while glancing the girl up and down. "Yes Adalyn?"

"Is Carter here?"

"Carter, ya girl's back," Nick called out as he looked towards the boy's room, taking a step back as Adalyn took one in. "I'm going back to fucking bed."

"Whatever. Also I'm not his fucking girl," she huffed as her gazed moved from him to her ex as he came out of his own room, adjusting the waistband of his sweats.

"What do you want?" Carter groaned, running his fingers through his messy bed hair. "Why are you here so fucking early?"

"What drinks do you have?" she welcomed herself into their place, walking straight over to the kitchen.

"You're down fuckin' bad," Carter chuckled at the girl, following behind her. "Look at you with your fucking tits out, showing your body off to get alcohol at like nine-am on a Monday, you need help."

"I'm wearing this because I know you can't control yourself," she replied, flashing him a smile as she grabbed the vodka and drunk straight from the bottle.

"What are you doing?" he furrowed at her.

"Drinking, clearly," she turned around to face him, taking another gulp.

"But why?"

"Because I can't sleep!"

"You know what they say a good orgasm can help, if you wanna go to my room.." he raised a brow, wrapping one arm around her waist and pulling her over closer to him.

"I told you you can't control yourself," she removed his arm from herself, then placing her hand on his chest as she made eye contact with him. "And one, I have a boyfriend. And two, I've already tried that and I just doesn't work."

"Maybe the boyfriend isn't pleasing you well enough," he shrugged as she pushed him away from her.

"You think I'd go back to him if I didn't enjoy him," she let out a small laugh. "And I think I know how to please myself more than any guy does."

"oh that's right, the boyfriend left," he slowly nodded as the memory of the girl's Instagram post came to his mind.

"mh.. so I'm gonna be taking this, and.." she dragged her words out as she scanned over the other bottle, then back at the boy. "Do you have weed?"

"Hold on, I paid for this shit, your not taking that or my weed," he stopped her.

"I think you stole enough money from me when we were fucking so I'm kinda owed this."

"Let's make a deal.. you can have that bottle, take it," he watched her closely as she drunk a bit more. "And if you stuck my dick and fix this problem that you're causing, you can have some weed as well."

"Get fucked."

She shook her head at him while she walked back over to the door, letting herself out of her ex's apartment without even saying a goodbye as the alcohol had already begun to take effect on her, stumbling slightly as she made her way back to her own place — ready to pass out and catch up on the missed sleep.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]



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