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"I feel like shit," Adalyn yawned, her microphone currently place on the ground of the balcony as she looked into the viewfinder, adjusting the part of her hair.

"What a way to start the episode," Valentina responded with a small laugh, her eyes on the girl before looking back at the camera. "As you see- if you're watching, we're on location this week for episode.. three. Also yes, we're sitting on the balcony, to give you all a view and plus the lighting inside was not it."

"Anyway, we're in Las Vegas for Adalyn's birthday, which is tomorrow, or yesterday if you're here the day we put this episode out," she continued.

"mhm, my birthday and I've been the one to pay for everything so far," Adalyn added, mainly joking around as she picked her microphone back up.

"You refused to left us pay. In your words, I'm the one making you be here so I won't make you pay," Valentina looked over at her. "Like last night when the cheque came you grabbed it right away before any of us could and wouldn't give it to anyone."

"The meal last night was kinda expensive though, I wouldn't ever expect you to pay that," she brushed it off. "It's fine, I don't mind."

"As I was gonna say before.. we we're supposed to record around midday today so we still had the afternoon, but someone had other plans last night.."

"um.. about that," Adalyn awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm not hungover, I did wake up like twenty minutes ago.."

"It's after four-pm for reference," the other chimed in.

"But I'm not hungover, I don't get hung overs no matter how much I drink," she explained. "Although.. I usually remember like everything when I drink but last night if we done anything after the casino, I have zero memory of it."

"We didn't get back here till like four-ish," Valentina mentioned. "We went to bed like right away, you two- our boyfriend's are sitting over there, watching us, incase you were wondering who I was talking about."

"It's kinda intimidating," Adalyn added. "I don't like them sitting there listening."

"Does your boyfriend not listen to the podcast?"

"I don't know," she shrugged, looking over at Jack. "Do you?"

"Not really.. I listened to some of the first one," he replied. "But that's cause I only really have time to listen to it in the car and you refuse to let me go anywhere alone, so I didn't finish it or even start the other one."

"Wow, so as long as I drive you everywhere I can talk all the shit about you since you won't know," she grinned, watching her boyfriend tilt his head slightly. "You just said you don't listen so you won't find out."

"I'm sure I will find out," he narrowed his eyes at the girl.

"I don't even know if the mic's can pick you boys up but I'm sure everyone watching can work it out from what Addie said," Valentina spoke up. "Anyway back to what we were talking about.. we went to bed right way- or at least tried to, because you two on the other hand continued to stay up even later."

"And were dying of laughter," she kept talking. "I don't know over what, you two probably don't either, but I couldn't sleep for ages."

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