011 | are you okay?

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With the band leaving to tour around North America in less than a few weeks, the five boys had been rehearsing none stop, making sure they had everything perfect and the way they wanted before they set off on the road.

Jack had arrived back at his girlfriend's apartment a lot later than what he expected or had usually been coming home. After locking the door behind himself, he walked straight to her bedroom since she wasn't anywhere to be seen in the main, kitchen and living room area.

Stopping in the doorway, just slightly in the room, Jack's eyes went straight to the girl's bright phone screen lighting up the whole room as she was fully engrossed with clicking through pictures of him and his daughter — zero clue that the boy was standing behind her and could clearly see.

"hey Ads.." he broke the silence, taking a seat on the bed beside her as he took off his shoes.

"hey.." she replied while wiping away the few tears, turning her phone off and looking over her shoulder at him.

"Are you okay?" he asked, receiving a hum and small nod in response while she turned around to look at him properly. "What were you up to?"

"I want a baby.." she mumbled. "I was looking for outfits and then you with baby Lav kept coming up on my Pinterest and it's making me sad.."

"Do you think you're ready to talk about all that yet?" he slightly tilted his head and watched her shrug. "Okay, let me go have a quick shower then we can just cuddle and talk about it. Okay?"


"I love you," he added with a singular kiss on her lips.

"love you.."

While Jack headed into the bathroom, Adalyn picked her phone up again and went back to scrolling through Pinterest, hoping not to get distracted from looking for festival outfits this time.

Like he said he would, his shower was a quick one, being back out in the bedroom within about fifteen minutes. Plugging his phone in to charge and then setting it down on the bedside table before getting into bed with her.

After placing her own phone down on the other table and turning over to face him, Jack wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, gently pulling her in closer to himself as she rested her head on his chest.

"You explain why you want a kid, I'll just listen for now, okay?" he spoke up, feeling her softly nod her head. "Go on then.."

"I don't know.." she subtly shrugged. "I think they're really cute of course, and the girls- before everything, it made me like the happiest- they still do, just there are times, but anyway I kinda just wanna have that for myself.."

"And although I sorta get like doubts and feel like I'm doing everything wrong when looking after Ellie because my parents always tell me that I'm never going to be able to settle down and be a good parent cause I live too much of a party lifestyle.."

"I feel like having a baby would be much better for me than to fall back into all that. Cause like I know I have and kinda in a way still do, fixate on things that aren't good for my body if I don't have a distraction.. and like a baby will just give me a responsibility- I don't know I'm just rambling."

"No, if you have more to say you can keep talking," Jack softly shook his head. "I like listening to you talk. Plus I wanna like understand your whole reasoning as to why."

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