019 | we'll make it work

196 10 2

With a week passing since the group's dinner to celebrate the release of the band's new song and also them about to leave for tour, the Sunday before their flights to Florida came around a lot quicker than expected.

After each day's rehearsals before going to Adalyn's, Jack would stop by his own house to pack his luggage for the first half of tour so by the time today had come around he could spend the whole day focused on his girlfriend and only her while not having to stress about leaving the following morning.

And since Xavier and Emily had only arrived back in Los Angeles from their trip away the previous night after extending it a few more days than what was originally planned, this was the first night in over a week which the couple had just to themselves.

So as they were sat on her bed, Jack had a small smile on his face with his arms lightly folded while watching the girl in front of him ramble on and on, trying to convince him not to go on tour and just stay with her.

"You're cute.."

"Stop Jack! I'm being serious. Listen to me," Adalyn frowned.

"I am listening Adalyn," he continued to smile at her as he rested back on the bed's head board.

"But you're not," she gabbed his hands, moving them to either of his sides and then placing herself on his lap. "Now listen to me."

"I have been listening," he chuckled, nodding once slightly while his eyes stayed locked with her's.

"It'll just be so much better if you stay," she went back to her babbling, repeating what she had already said only minutes earlier. "It'll be a lot more fun. We won't have to worry about anything, and-"

"And I'll pay for everything, you don't need to tour to make money" Jack interrupted her as he copied what she said. "See I have been listening."

"But you still haven't agreed to stay.."

"That's because I want to go," he replied while moving their hands to between the two as they were still intertwined. "I want to go on tour Adalyn, it's what I love doing. But me leaving doesn't mean I don't love you or that I don't want to be with you."

"I don't want to leave you," she mumbled, burying her head into the crook of his neck while trying to hold back tears.

"You'll be okay- We'll be okay, we'll get through it" he reassured her, letting go of her arms and wrapping them around her. "It's only like a week and a half till we'll see each other again."

"And we've spent a week apart before, multiple times, so just think of it like that," he continued. "Like I've gone away for a week and a bit and then we'll be together again. You're going to see me at least three times through out it and we can talk every night so it's not like I'm leaving you abandoned for months."

"How do you do long distance?" she mumbled against him, soon lifting her head up and laying it back down so she was looking out around the room. "I don't understand how someone will willingly leave their boyfriend for so long.."

"We'll make it work. Ads, look at me," he softly spoke as she took a few more seconds before she done so, and Jack had wiped away the tear that was rolling down her cheek. "Trust me when I say this.. I find it just as hard to leave you."

"then stay.." she softly furrowed as she sniffled.

"As much as I want to stay with you, you need to understand that this is my dream and always has been. I've always wanted to tour, I've always wanted to have a career in music.. and I'm sorry, I love you, I really do, but I don't just want to give it all up for you."

"I've told you multiple times that you're welcome to come with, but you've made it clear to me that you like being LA and that you want to stay here.. and I respect that, but at the same time you need to respect that I want to go on tour.."

"but you saying you want to leave just makes me feel like you don't love me.." she mumbled as she picked at her lips, her eyes moving around features of his face to avoid holding eye contact.

"I do love you Adalyn, I promise."

"I love you too.." she weaved her arms underneath his and wrapped them around his body as she rested her head on his shoulder one again.

The couple fell into silence as they soaked the presents of each other, knowing that they didn't have very much time together the following morning and this is one of the last moments they have until New York, towards the end of the month.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


little bit of a shorter chapter since
i've spoiling you with longer ones lately.
also boys going on your next chapter!!
plot about to start kicking in!!

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