010 | bath for two

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As Valentine's day rolled around, Jack knew his girlfriend was spending the afternoon with her friends for a late lunch celebration, so after the band's short rehearsal session he made his way over to her apartment with a quick detour to pick up a couple things from the store.

Not wanting a repeat of the previous year, he put a lot of thought into how he could make the night special for them and have it be different from every other night since he knew she'd prefer to spend it in.

Using the hour or so that he knew he had, he placed a few roses in a vase on the kitchen island before making his way down the hall to the girl's bathroom with the rest and a small bag of other items.

Setting up a somewhat simple, romantic scene around the bath with the rest of the roses, a few candles which he left unlit for the time being, and a bottle of champagne with two empty glasses beside it on the edge.

Once he was happy with the look, he went back out to the kitchen. Standing there for a moment, Jack thought about what he was going to do to fill in the rest of his time and landed on cleaning the kitchen and living area for the girl.

Almost an hour had passed and Adalyn had finally arrived back home, opening the door to the apartment as her eyes instantly went to the boy now sat at the island on his phone while looking at him slightly confused.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she shut and locked the door behind herself before walking closer to him. "I thought you were with your friends?"

"I was earlier, yeah," he nodded. "We finished early today cause of.. yeah- anyway, I brought you roses."

"I noticed.. I don't like flowers but thank you, they're cute," she smiled, quickly exchanging a kiss with him.

"Oh.. there goes everything else.."

"Everything else?" she furrowed while slightly tilting her head at him, then glancing around the room. "Did you clean the place?"

"Yeah," he agreed with a small subtle shrug. "I had some time so I thought I'd do something extra for you. I was going to start making dinner but cause you were just out I didn't think you'd be hungry yet."

"mh, valentine's day should be everyday," she giggled while walking around and taking a seat on the chair beside him. "I got you something. They're not shoes because you complained last time."

"I didn't complain," he defended himself. "I appreciate them but I think you should have just saved your money especially since I've only wore the Louis one's like twice."

"Wear them more then?"

"They're blue, they don't really go with everything," he reasoned. "And plus they're expensive, I don't want to ruin them."

"Ruin them, I'll just get you a new pair," she shrugged.

He softly shook his head at her, "you need to stop buying me stuff.."

"Happy valentine's day babe," she grinned as she completely disregarded his comment and handed him the gift.

"Thank you," Jack placed a kiss on her lips as he grabbed the small gift bag. Opening it up and pulling out the designer wallet, subtly shaking his head once again. "Thank you Adalyn."

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