008 | don't go all shy

222 13 7

"Dadaa, can we talk to Addie yet?" Lavender begged as she climbed all over her father. "Pleaseee," she added, dragging her words out through a grin while looking up at his face. "I miss her."

"Sit down baby and I'll call her," Jack light patted his thigh as she followed his instructions.

Reaching for his phone on the bed beside him, his daughter sat there patiently waiting while babbling on about how much she missed Adalyn and wished she was there with Jack. He found his girlfriend's contact and pressed facetime, holding the phone out in front of Lavender's face — which she was quick to steal from him.

Adalyn soon answered the call, smiling at the little one once it had connected. "Hello cutie, how are you?" she asked, holding her arms over her chest as she was currently in the bath and didn't want to flash the child.

"Don't go all shy on her," Jack lightly tickled his daughter's side in attempts to stop her from burying her head into his chest. "You were the one who wanted to talk to Addie. I promise she was just rambling on about how much she missed you."

"Addie why didn't you come over?" Lavender frowned, finally speaking up as she made Jack turn the camera back on herself. "You said you would when Dada came."

"I'm sorry.. I had things to do here.."

"Next time Lavy," Jack added.

"Are you in the bathhh?" Lavender changed the subject, receiving a small hum and nod from the girl on the other end. "With your phone? Isn't that bad?"

"If you drop your phone in the water then yes, you'll break it," Adalyn replied. "But I wasn't actually on it, I had it on the floor outside the bath will I watched.. a show."

"Dada can I watch Coco Melon when I have my bath?" she quickly turned to Jack.

"No baby, I'm sorry that can't happen," he shook his head. "Addie's a grown up so she can make her own decisions. While you're still little, no phones in the bath."


"Hey Lav," Adalyn gained the girl's attention. "Next time you're in LA, you can stay a night at my place and I'll let you watch your show during bath time."

"Really?!" she exclaimed, watching her nod before turning to her dad, "When's that?"

"Next time I come see you, you will come back to my house," he explained.

"Okay," she smiled.

Lavender continued to chatter with her father's girlfriend for awhile about all sorts, just filling Adalyn in on her life, and after about ten minutes she then went off to play with her toys some more before she would have to settle down for bed, leaving some time for the couple to talk themselves.

"How are you going?" Jack asked his girlfriend, while mainly keeping his eyes on Lavender.

"good," Adalyn simply replied although it was a lie — she just didn't want to tell him the truth and how she's really been coping with him gone.

"Having a bath huh?" he raised a brow. "Need to relax or? I feel like baths aren't your thing."

"They're not," she agreed. "I'm.. Actually I'm not gonna turn it around- I just wanted some me time."

"mh, okay," he nodded. "What are you watching?"

She hesitated for a moment, ".. that would be inappropriate for me to say with your daughter around."

"Okay," he responded, his words quickly being turned into a chuckle. "Will you tell me when I'm back home?"

"Sure. Oh also while I remember.." she changed the subject. "I spoke with my brother earlier and he's asked if I could look after his daughter for a couple nights. It's not till the end of this month- next month- February, I don't know what month we're in but I just thought I'd let you know."

"That would be next month, close to this month though," he confirmed. "But that's completely fine, I don't mind at all. I should have Lav around then as well so that'll be nice for them."

"Yeah that's what I was thinking when I agreed. And also it's a couple days after Ellie's birthday so the can have their much wanted hang out and we can take them out somewhere."

"Yeah we can do that," he nodded. "We'll work it all out when I get back there. For now though.. I'm gonna get Lavy in the bathroom and b-e-d, I'll definitely text you once she's alseep."

"mh okay.."

"I fly out tomorrow night and I'll probably go straight from the airport to rehearsals on Monday morning but I promise I'll be at yours that night," he explained.


"Lavy come say goodbye," Jack called his daughter back over.

"Bye Addie," Lavender waved at the girl on the screen. "I miss you."

"I miss the both of you," Adalyn softly frowned.

"I'll see you in a couple days.." he smiled at his girlfriend, then lightly tickling his daughter sides, "and this little one will see you soon."

"I love yous."

"I love you," Lavender grinned in response to the elder girl, making Adalyn's heart melt.

"I love you Adalyn," Jack added.

Adalyn blew the pair a kiss before hanging up the facetime and letting out a sigh as she placed her phone back down on the ground outside the bath. She sat there in silence for a moment as thought about what she was going to do now.

The whole call had honestly killed her previous mood, so instead of trying to get that back she closed her laptop and got out of the bath while making sure not to splash any water on the caddy. Then getting into the shower for a quick proper wash of her body as the bath drained.

After getting dressed and ready for the night, she left the room leaving everything besides her phone in the bathroom with the idea in mind that she would just put it all away tomorrow, and made her way out to her kitchen.

What she refused to tell Jack was how dependent she had been on alcohol to get herself to sleep and not keep her up all night, every night.

And although drinking alone, especially copious amounts, was never something she wanted to get into, she seemed to just easily fall down that hole with her boyfriend being gone since it seems to be the only thing that would help..

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]



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