054 | you mean a lot to me

188 10 2

"Where's Jack? Why's he not here yet?" Dan stood there with his arms folded as he looked between the four boys, shaking his head. "This is why you boys shouldn't be making decisions."

"His girlfriend's bringing him, you know this, you agreed to it," Jonah replied. "I'm sure they'll be here soon."

"He better be," he muttered as he left the room.

"Those two, Jack and Adalyn, were like going at it last night- wait, no, like screaming at each other not going at it in the sex sense," Corbyn mentioned.

"Didn't he want her to come here?" Zach said as he looked between them confused. "He was like so excited for her to come, just for them to fight?"

"The walls like muffled it but like I'm pretty sure I heard the word cheated being thrown around," he added. "And I wouldn't be surprised if she did either-"

"Val's pregnant," Jonah blurted out to change the subject, wanting to stop the other from creating any drama. "That's why they came but because she hadn't told me they made it seem like Adalyn was coming for him."

"Really? Congrats bro," Corbyn done a little handshake with the boy.

"Brooke told me last night and was freaking out cause she didn't know if she was supposed to tell me or not," Daniel chuckled. "Then she ended her whole ramble with 'don't even think about it cause I'm not having kids for another a least like five years'."

"I couldn't imagine having a kid.. seems like a lot of work," Zach spoke up. "Actually Libby and I were talking about once about kids and stuff cause Adalyn told her how she wants a kid but Jack won't-"

"Speaking off," Corbyn interrupted him, clearing his throat as the boy in conversation entered the room with a clear annoyed expression on his face.

"I'm so fuckin' sorry," Jack apologised through a huff, pulling out a seat and sitting down with the rest of band.

"Adalyn here or?"

"Nah," he shook his head in response to the eldest. "I told her to go hang out with her friends but I think she's just gone back to the hotel, she's in a shitty mood. Anyway can we do Love Somebody tonight? Change it up for the last few shows?"

"Yeah can we do that?!" Zach quickly agreed. "I fucking love that song, it's so fun."

"Before Trust Fund like we were going to before we took it off?" Daniel asked as the other nodded in agreement. "Yea let's do it."

"Did something happen between you and Adalyn?" Corbyn raised a brow

"Am I not allowed to want to preform a song and change up the setlist?" he furrowed. "If I'm being completely fucking honest it kinda get boring playing the same shit every night. I said it.."

"About time you're here," Dan said as he reentered the room. "Are you boys ready to do soundcheck?"

"Yep," they agreed.

And while three of them followed behind their manager out to the stage of the venue, Jack called Jonah back for a second so he could quickly talk to him without the rest around to include their in put.

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