046 | that's not her anymore

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"Alright Addie, seems we're gonna be spending a lot of time together over the next few days, I think it's time I confess this.." Brooklyn spoke up, looking at the girl sitting across from her as they waited in line for the festival gates to open on the Friday morning. "Don't worry it's nothing terrible."

"Okay.. what..?"

"You know how when you first met Jack, I sent the group his Instagram.." she slowly said as the other nodded. "um I actually knew who he was and I actually just searched him up not randomly found it.."

"What do you mean?" Adalyn furrowed. "How did you know him?"

"To preface I've waited to say this because I knew you'd throw away everything with him just for this tiny flaw, and I'm hoping you won't now" she stated as the other continued to sit there confused. "But anyway that night at the party I recognised him and his friends.."

"And it wasn't until I had gone to visit my parents a couple days later and seen Carmen and I remembered a phase that he had at like twelve, thirteen where he was obsessed with the Paul brothers, do you remember when they were like the talk of the school?"

"Yeah, people were like verbally bashed for liking them, they were so fucking cringe," Adalyn chuckled slightly. "Anyway what does that have to do with Jack?"

"They have songs with Logan.."

"Oh my fucking god, I'm gonna break up with him," she huffed, running her fingers through her as she avoided ruining her makeup. "That's fucking worst than being in a boyband."

"I'm so sorry to interrupt your conversation, which we may have been listening to," the girl beside them turned towards to face them. "I know we've been sitting next to you this whole time but took me till now to realise who you were.. and let me just say, Adalyn, I love your podcast."

"oh.. okay.."

"No joke I had made my friend here, Vera, listen to last weeks episode on the drive down here."

"Stel's a huge fan of your.. boyfriend's? band," Vera added. "Me on the other hand, it's not really for me, sorry."

"mh okay, this is awkward.."

"Girl, you're in a line with a bunch of Harry stans, there no chance that every single one of us here doesn't know Why Don't We," Stella mentioned.

"mh well the comment about be breaking up with Jack was a joke so don't go and start shit online. Also don't ask for a photo, I think it's fuckin' weird to take photos with strangers just because I'm dating some with a following cause I didn't ask for that sorta life. And you can call me a bitch for that but you've be warned so don't be surprised by my answer."

"You know not everyone in the fandom hates you, right?" she replied. "You're allowed to set boundaries and a lot of people respect that. Those girls you met last week weren't even the ones who started that shit about you being rude or whatever, it was someone else in line that just doesn't like you."

"And there's always gonna be people like that, whether you have a following or not. But just so you know a lot of the fandom puts everything that happened last year aside and actually does like you, because you clearly make Jack happy and we just want to see him happy after everything he's been through."

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