018 | of fucking course!

205 11 6

"You said we weren't going here," Adalyn folded her arms after looking at the front of her old work place, Tuscan's Grill, as she turned her attention to her boyfriend. "This is why you put up such a fight to be the one to drive although I always drive us everywhere."

"I'm sorry, I just knew you wouldn't agree to go if I told you that we were really going here instead," Jack apologised as he shifted the gear into park and then looked back at her. "It's the only place Daniel could get booked and have dinner be an appropriate time for Eliana."

"I'm not going in," she sunk back in the seat. "You can go in but give me the keys and I'll take Els to my place and we'll eat there. I'll pick you up afterwards."

"Why don't you want to go in?" he asked, watching her shrug. "Your friends are here, it's not like you have no one.. Or is it more the workers?"

"I don't wanna go.."

"Addie are we getting food?" Eliana pouted as she interrupted the couple, leaning on the centre console after unbuckling herself and getting out of her car seat. "I'm hungry."

Adalyn glanced between the little girl and out the window behind her, noticing Brooklyn with Daniel heading towards the restaurant then back at Eliana. "Yes we'll go in now," she gave in, letting out a sigh as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Can I bring Minnie?" she asked while watching her aunt get out the car, not receiving a response as she came to the rear door and opened it for her. "Addie, can I bring Minnie?"

"mhm," she nodded, picking the girl up.

Jack locked the car once they were all out and then greeted their friends. And once heading inside, the girl quickly left the three and made her way over to her other friends which she had spotted before the rest — wanting minimal conversation with Lucas at the reception desk.

"Should we just walk in as well..?" Daniel furrowed as he looked at the other two, pointing over toward Adalyn.

"You three can go," Lucas looked up from his table, giving them a nod of approval as he grabbed a kids pack for the little girl. "And Jack, give this to Ellie, keep her entertained."

"Thank you," Jack smiled before the other boy turned his attention back to the customer in front of him.

Making their way over to the table themselves and sharing hello's the the other two couples already there, the three took a seat, Jack beside Adalyn who had Eliana at the head of the table, while Brooke and Daniel sat across from Jonah and Valentina who were on the other side of Jack.

"I got you something, Els," Jack handed the coloring book.

"Naomi already got her one," Adalyn was blunt with her response as she grabbed it from him, placing it down on the table with the other one.


"Adalyn!" Mia, their waitress for the night, said as she came over to collect the drink orders for ones who had just arrived. "Oh my god, I haven't seen you in forever. How are you?"

"Hey Mia," she returned an almost forced smile. "I'm good."

"That's good to hear.. Do you know what you'd like to drink today?"

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