028 | take care of yourself

161 10 2



what time is it there? are you
free to talk?

hey addie, it's like 11:30 and
yes i have time to talk, what's

can i call you?

of course💗



"Hey Addie, how are you? It's been a while since we talked.." Willow replied, receiving a small hum from the girl and hearing her sniffle. "I've seen that you've been doing better lately.."

"I haven't.." Adalyn confessed, wiping the tears from under her eyes. "I haven't been able to be on my phone.. I turned it on just to talk to you."

"Would you like to tell me why?"

"I just- I miss my boyfriend and I can't deal with seeing him happy without me.."

"Okay so you're setting yourself boundaries, that's okay," she reassured her. "And where's Jack at? What's he up to that you don't like seeing?"

"He's gone on tour and I miss him, like a lot, and I really need him around me more than I though I do," she mumbled. "And I haven't talked to him for like a week."

"And why haven't you?" Willow asked. "We've been over this before, Adalyn, communication is key in a relationship.. Avoiding talking to him is not going to help with the distance and how much you miss him."

"I don't know," she shrugged. "...Why's he happy without me?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't answer that," Willow shook her head although the girl couldn't see her. "Only Jack knows how he really feels. How he appears isn't necessarily how he feels, remember that. Has he tried to get in contact with you?"

"I don't know.."

"If it's been a week since you've spoke, I'm sure he's trying to talk to you," she said, feeling sorry for both her and Jack. "I'd be so stressed out if someone I loved wasn't answering me for long periods of time.. Why don't you check your texts?"

Adalyn softly hummed as she pulled her phone away from her ear as she swiped off the call and opening the imessage app, scrolling through almost a fifty unread messages from her boyfriend as her eyes scanned over them.

"What if he's just pretending to care?" she spoke through tears, holding the phone back against her ear.

"How many times has he messaged?"

"Like a million."

"Do you think he doesn't care?"


"Okay.. so why are you convincing yourself that he doesn't?" Willow replied.

"I don't know.." her words faded out as she tried to find the way to explain how she was feeling. "This is probably going to sound stupid but I feel like I'm so confused with Jack and I feel like dating him is so hard compared to things with Harvey.."

"It's okay if you feel like that, relationships are confusing.. especially when you've been hurt in the past," Willow reassured her once again. "I mean it took probably like three months for me to be fully comfortable with my boyfriend and the only way we got through that was by talking."

"You have a boyfriend?!" Adalyn changed the subject, excited for her friend. "oo does he have a hot British accent?"

"Yes, I have a boyfriend.. and yes, he is very British, I love him" she softly laughed. "Now this call isn't about me so why don't we go back to talking about you?"

"mh, I'm good."

"Are you though?"

"I'll be fine.."

"Are you going to go visit Jack while he's on tour?" she asked, receiving a quick hum from her. "When are you going to do that?"

"In a couple days, Friday. With Val and Brooke, we're going to New York and we're spending a week there- I think Naomi and her girlfriend are coming for a couple days as well," she babbled.

"um.. just so you don't miss your flight.. tomorrow is Friday the, I think, eighteenth," she mentioned. "So if you're going on that date, don't miss it."

"Is it?"

"Yes.. today is Thursday, yesterday was Wednesday, so that means tomorrow is Friday."

"oh.." Adalyn nodded to herself. "My brain's a little all over the place- probably doesn't help that I haven't been on my phone or slept properly. But thank you."

"That's okay.. I didn't even want to question why you were up so early in the morning," she said with a small chuckle. "You're lucky I'm in London and not there, then you are able to call me at hours like this."

"I do miss you staying with me though.." the other replied. "I'm starting to realise why you pushed me so much to get out of bed and the apartment everyday. It honestly helped me."

"It's good to get out, get some fresh air, socialise, all that.. but it's also good to stay in sometimes and take care of yourself."

"Do you think two weeks is too much alone time?" Adalyn mumbled slightly as she picked at her lips.

"There's no such thing as spending too much time alone," she responded. "You take how ever much time to yourself as you'd like. Don't let anyone tell you that you're taking too much time to yourself."


"I've gotta get some work done but you look after yourself, Adalyn, try to get some sleep and maybe talk to Jack in the morning, let him know you're okay," Willow more so suggested. "I'm always here if you need me."

"Thank you.."

"Bye Addie"

"Bye Willow.."

Adalyn let out a sigh as the call ended, looking over the messages from her boyfriend as her eyes begun to water once again. She took a deep breath to gather herself before pressing call despite knowing it was barely seven-am on the east coast and letting it ring through.

"hey.. I'm sorry for ignoring you lately .. could you please call me when you wake up.. I love you.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i feel like i've updated this
book everyday since it was
published lol

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