007 | already struggling..

218 12 1



are you doing anything today?

i need something to distract
myself :/

hey addie :))

did you not go to hawaii?

nope wasn't feeling up to it


well the girls and i are all going
out for lunch in an hour actually

jonah's with the boys and i'm at
mine so you can come over if
you'd like to hang out sooner

okay thank you

i'm going to go have a shower and
get ready, i'll text you when i'm done
and see how soon lunch is

okay see you soon love you <33

love you


After spending almost the whole hour having a long warm shower to wake herself up more and getting ready to go out, Adalyn finally arrived at the small independent cafe in which the other four girls had decided on having lunch at.

Being the last to arrive, she was greeted by the group by no surprise since Valentina had already gotten the chance to mention that she was joining them — all three have no issues with her decision especially because it's been a while since they've all seen her.

Sitting at the end of the table, a cup of ice coffee in her hand occasionally taking sips as she tried to best to stay present in the conversation and not have her mind wander off due to the lack of sleep she had gotten the previous night while jack was away in Hawaii.

"oh when are your boyfriends-" Naomi was cut off by Valentina hushing her while shaking her head, not wanting the topic to be mentioned for Adalyn's sake.

Valentina glanced over at the girl, seeing her blankly staring at a table across the room to them, completely zoned out. "she doesn't like to talk about it," Valentina explained through a small whisper.

"Oh right," she nodded.

"March though," Brooklyn added.

"You two have a podcast, don't you?" Lexi changed the subject, slightly pointing at Valentina and Adalyn. "How's that going?"

"It's going good. I wasn't sure how were going to record this week with Addie being away but we can now, can't we?" Valentina turned to the girl beside her. "Adalyn..?"

"mh?" Adalyn flicked her head towards the group. "Sorry what was that?"

"Lexi asked about our podcast," she explained. "Are we going to record this week now that you're here?"

"I don't know, sure," she shrugged.

"We haven't gotten any pay or anything yet, it's kinda just a hobby," Valentina finished answering the girl's question as the other zoned out again.

"Can we come on it sometime?" Brooklyn asked.

"I don't see why not," she replied. "I think we're going to get Jonah, Jack and the band on sometime soon.. we still gotta ask the other three."

"Speaking of Jack.." Lexi spoke up. "Adalyn can we talk about all that that happened?"

"Addie," Valentina light tapped the girl's shoulder, gaining her attention once again. "Lexi's trying to talk to you.."

"I'm sorry about the Jack situation.." Lexi slightly blurted out.

"Now you're sorry?" Adalyn furrowed. "You got with the guy I really liked, hid it from me, then told me that he absolutely hated me. Do you want me to forgive you or something?"

"I'm sorry, I really didn't think it'd matter this much to you," she apologised. "At the time I genuinely thought you'd just move on from him like you did with any other guy, and it just would have been brought up again."

"When did I every just move on from guys I have long term things with?" Adalyn furrowed.

"You moved on from Harvey and Carter pretty quick.."

"No I didn't? I kept going back to them all the time," she argued and followed with a small scoff.

"I'm sorry Adalyn, I really am," Lexi apologised once again.

"whatever" she muttered, picking up her phone as she received a text for her boyfriend.

"are you okay, Addie?" Valentina whispered to the girl as the other three split off into their own conversation. 

"mhm, just wasn't able to sleep much," she nodded, turning her phone off after sending a message and looking at her friend. "Are you doing okay?"

"Yes, I am very happy, thank you," she said with a small smile. "Why didn't you end up going to Hawaii?"

"I decided on the plane back here that I didn't want to go," Adalyn explained while fiddling with her necklace. "With everything that happened, I just haven't been very happy around her.."

"I get that," she nodded slightly. "I don't have work till Thursday so if you want to hang out, or want me to spend the night at all I can."

"No, don't worry," she shook her head in response. "You spend the time with your boyfriend, I'll be fine."

"O- okay," she hesitantly agreed. "Do you want me to come over during the day at all while he's busy?"

"I'll probably be sleeping."

"okay," she softly nodded.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back," she mumbled, grabbing her bag while she stood up.

As Adalyn walked over in the direction of the bathroom, Valentina kept her eyes on her for a moment and seeing her slightly stumble out of tiredness, before she had turned back to their friends who had also partly been watching the girl.

"I don't think she's going to be okay when the boys leave.." Valentina admitted. "Jack's barely been in Hawaii for a day and she's already struggling.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


idk what to say todayyy 😃

oh i was originally gonna publish this book
today cause like aug 1 yk even date. anyway
if i had of waited i would quite literally be
like 15 chapters ahead...

i should work on other books but i really
only wanna write this lmao

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