005 | my birthday my rules

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Jonah and Valentina had gone out on a date the night of their friends birthday so the other couple could have the place to themselves as Adalyn had requested to spend the night in with Jack.

The four had all gone out together earlier for a lunch, and after coming back to the hotel suite Adalyn laid in bed for a couple hours as she replied to messages and called back the few who had earlier in the day, while the other three used the time as opportunity to clean up the small living space and decorate it a little.

The couple were currently sat on the floor mat next to each other in front of the lounge under dim lights with their now empty plates of food sitting on the small table, talking about non sense over a few drinks.

"I'm never gonna properly marry you," she continued to playfully argue with her boyfriend.

"Why not though?"

"Cause I don't want to, it's too much commitment," she replied. "We can go on a honeymoon though, a vacation for sex sounds fun."

He softly shook his head at her, a smile still clearly plastered across his face. "And on that note, I have a present for you," he hopped up.

"I don't want it," she folded her arms, looking away from him.

"It's not a ring, calm down," Jack reassured her, a small chuckle escape his mouth before going into their room to grab the gift.

Adalyn slightly narrowed her eyes as she watched the boy walk back out and over to her with a somewhat small gift box. Taking a seat beside her and placing it on his lap with his hands over the box.

"We haven't even been dating for a month, you think I'm gonna propose to you?"

"We've know each other for a year though," she mentioned. "Because you can came to my birthday party last year."

"mhm, and I'm enjoying tonight a lot more than that one," he explained. "You were a whole different person then."

"So what did you buy me?" Adalyn changed the subject, not wanting to talk about that stage of herself.

"Open it and see," he replied with a smile, handing over the box.

She let out an audible, playful gasp as she looked at what was inside which quickly turned into a giggle. "Naughty," she picked up the clothing items and threw it at the boy.

"What? I never see you in lingerie," he jokingly whined, now holding them in his hand. "And also what are you supposed to get a girl who has everything?"

"All you have to do is ask," she said with a small shrug.

".. Are you talking about the first thing or the second?" he furrowed, receiving another shrug from her with no verbal response. "Will you put these on..?" he hesitantly asked slightly holding the lingerie out towards her.

A subtle smirk appeared on the girl's lips as she picked up her phone to check the time, setting it back down on the table before stranding up in front of him.

Poorly adjusting the hem of her tight mini dress to cover herself properly, she then hooked her fingers onto either side of her current panties, slowly pulling them down her thighs and steeping out of them.

All while Jack watched, his elbow rested on the lounge beside him and his hand covering his mouth, his eyes almost glued to her. "You're fuckin' crazy," he muttered, slightly glancing away from her as she dropped the item onto the lounge.

"Sorry babe, what was that?" she crouched down, then placed herself on his lap once he had moved his other hand away, her dress riding up her hips. "Can you repeat that Mr. Avery?"

"I said you're crazy," he held eye contact with her, trying his best to kept his eyes from trailing down her body. "You're stripping right here when our friends could walk in at any moment."

"Yeah and?" she raised a brow before moving back slightly while staying on his lap and attaching her lips onto his as her hands went to the button of his jeans. "My dress is still on.. no one knows there's nothing underneath."

"Alright, get up, let's go to the bedroom," he said, pulling away after a few seconds as he grabbed ahold of her hands, stopping her from doing anymore than just undoing the zipper and button.

"umm no," she shook her head, smile still on her face. "My birthday, my rules. There's no thrill in just going to the bedroom."

"You love the idea of it don't you?" Jack slightly tilted his head, keeping his voice at a low soft level and continued to hold her hands. "The idea of being caught."

"It makes things fun."

"You know.." he hummed slightly as he thought about it. "Usually I wouldn't agree, but tonight can be the exception.. although could you please get off quickly so I can go grab-"

"We don't need protection, it's fine," she cut him off, placing a couple kisses on his lip. "I'm gonna stop drinking again anyway."

"If you say so.."


tagged: adalynbarlow, jackaverymusic Liked by others

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tagged: adalynbarlow, jackaverymusic
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JackalynUpdates the little 'I guess' 🥺 (via Jack's story)

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User735 and when she said that they then broke up the next week..

User243 they're so cute

User940 Can someone please explain, I dont understand?
     | JackalynUpdates @user940 last year on
       his birthday she posted for him saying the
       same thing

User53 i honestly don't understand their relationship
     | User02 @user53 well you don't have to
       cause it's not yours

User102 the little heart they're making🥺

january 21

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


both this book and the first one adalyn's
bday is on the 5th chapter.. i promise i
didn't mean for that to happen

also do people actually wanna read this
book or not? cause like no one's interacting
as much as you did with the sequel so
like idk i'm kinda conflicted

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