050 | you're fucking joking

173 10 0

Wrapping up their sixteenth podcast episode, Adalyn stayed on the lounge as she scrolled through her phone for a few seconds while Valentina ended the recording and started to help the girl in packing the equipment up.

"Hey Adalyn.."

"Yeah?" she glanced away from her phone, furrowing slightly at her.

"Could you just wait there for a little longer? I have something to give to you.."

".. Why's everyone buying me gifts?" the younger hesitated while continuing to look at her confused, following with a small awkward laugh, "Am I about to like die or something and don't know?"

"Oh? Who brought you a gift?" Valentina asked, raising her brow as she fiddled with her rings.

"Jack said he got me something.. I did mention it when we were recording.."

"Oh right, uh um mine has nothing to do with him and it's not necessarily a gift, i just need to show you something.." she stuttered, shifting her weight between her feet. "Wait there, let me go grab it."

"Okay.." she watched her friend leave the room then turning her attention back to her phone, barely interested.

Valentina quickly headed out to her bag which she had left in the kitchen, taking a few deep breath as she stood there for a little while before making her way back to the spare room. Going unnoticed to the other, she turned the camera back on — wanting to have a little video memory of the moment.

"Adalyn.." she handed her the small box as she took a seat on the lounge with her body facing her.

"You know I hate gifts right?" she replied, setting her phone down and looking at the girl's as she slowly pulled at the ribbon around the box.

"I think you might like this.." she slightly mumbled while trying to avoid making eye contact.

"okay.." Adalyn said as she placed the ribbon to the side and opened the lid of the box, staring at the contents for a good minute and reading over the words 'Aunty Addie?' on the inside of the lid multiple times while she took time to process everything. "You're fucking joking?"

The elder softly shook her head, "no.."

"I'm gonna go take a test-"

"Addie," Valentina quickly grabbed her hand, stopping her from walking away. "I love you but can you please not try to take this from me."


"You made it clear today that you haven't had sex since New York," she interrupted her once again. "And I'm not saying you're defiantly not pregnant, like feel free to take a test later, I don't care, but please just let me have this one moment, that's all I'm asking."

"You just found out your friend is pregnant and your first reaction is to get up and take a test for yourself, no congrats or like happy for you, nothing," she added. "I really do love you and I know you want this so bad, but sometimes you are very self-centred."

"Congrats then..." Adalyn mumbled slightly as she sat back down. "Does Jonah know..?"

"Not yet, I want to tell him in person.. you're the first person I'm telling, you're the only one who knows at the moment. Please don't tell anyone else."

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