022 | talking about sex

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Sat in the podcast room of the younger's apartment, Adalyn and Valentina were recording their tenth episode — being pretty proud of themselves for hitting double digits since it was somewhat spontaneous idea.

And after expressing that achievement and welcoming everyone back to another episode, the girls got into talking about what Valentina had been up to over the week between their last recording, before the conversation topic had been moved over to Adalyn.

"Your boyfriend left yesterday, how you coping with that?" Valentina asked.

"mhh," she shrugged. "I slept all day yesterday.. and now have been awake since like ten-pm last night.."

"Have you talked to Jack?"

"mhm," she nodded. "I don't know what he was actually on about but he wanted money so he could fly back to LA and then this morning he apologised for asking cause he got drunk last night and was pissed off at someone and didn't want to be there or something."

"Okay.. now Addie I think you might need to make it clear on if he's staying on tour or coming home because I know supporters of him and his band listen to our podcast.. so maybe before any rumours start, you clear them.."

"oh um I don't know," she shrugged. "I think he's staying- I want him to come home so I didn't actually read his messages properly because I don't want to be upset if he decided not to, which I think he did cause he said something about how he has a show."

"So he's staying?"

"I guess, I don't know."

"Alright we're going to move on from this topic.. For all the fans I'm sure he's staying, don't stress about it. It's only Tuesday so by the time this is out you'll know where Jack is," Valentina reassured everyone listening. "Now do you want to go straight into questions?"

"Sure," Adalyn agreed.

"I didn't put a question thing up today but we have a lot of DM's, asking for advice on situations in their lives," the other explained. "So I thought we should go through some of those, we'll keep all the people anonymous. And maybe the advice will help out more than just the person asking."

"umm," Valentina continued, softly humming as she scrolled through their podcast account's message requests. "This one- this is more of an oh's topic then exes.."

"oo I love talking about sex, what is it?"

"She and- she said they're nineteen by the way, so her and her boyfriend have been together for almost a year, and every time she has asked him to go down on her.. he refuses to, and it brings down her confidence.."

"Wait I can actually answer this," Adalyn quickly replied. "I pretty much had the same situation with my boyfriend- sorry ex-boyfriend, when I was I think eighteen maybe seventeen almost eighteen."

"He was my first boyfriend, he was who I lost my virginity to, all that, so I had no um.. duo sexual experience prior. And like I don't know about schools now or friendship groups but female pleasure was like never talked about at ours, it was always guys get their dicks sucked and, or they fuck you.."

"So I was kinda unaware of all that," she continued to babble. "Like of course I knew about fingering and other stuff but not much about use of a tongue and mouth and whatever else. Anyway long story short, I had brought it up and he told me that he never done it because he wasn't sure."

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