023 | i won't lie anymore

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"Hey," Jack answered the facetime call from his girlfriend with a smile across his face, this being the first time they had properly talked since he left over thirty-six hours ago.

"hey.." she softly spoke, wiping a tear away from under her eye.

"Are you okay?" the smile quickly turned to a small frown as he watched her shrugged. "Give me a second."

Informing Zach on his plans to wander around the hotel while he spoke with Adalyn, Jack grabbed his hotel room key and headphone case before leaving the room, holding the phone back out in front of him so they could see each other again.

"Do you wanna talk about how you're feeling?" he asked, glancing around the hallway while he keep his tone low to avoid disturbing everyone else as it neared midnight in Miami.

"I miss you.."

"I miss you too," he replied. "What did you get up to today?"

"um.. Val came over and we recorded," she explained. "then afterwards she made me go out for dinner with her and we just got home before."

"Is she there with you?"

"no, she's gone back to her place, but I drove to dinner so she came here so she could get her car," she said, receiving a hum from the boy. "what we're you on about last night?"

"oh.." he let out a small chuckle as he wandered down the stairwell, avoiding looking at his phone while saying; "um.. our manager was like mad at me for being late to the airport and uh said something about me being a disaster and that it makes sense that I don't see Lavy.."

"Come home then. He sounds like a dickhead."

"He is, but I'm fine. I was just mad about it all last night," he shook it off. "I just got really drunk and the boys made me come back here to sleep it off before deciding. And of course I wanna be here, I'm not gonna pull a Zyan-"

"Hey! I loved Zyan even more when he left," a smile appeared on Adalyn's face for the first time during the call as she let out a satisfied hum. "So you know what that means.."

"Shut up," he playfully replied. "But seriously I'm sorry for asking for money, I promise I'll send it back after this call, I don't need it, I've just been really busy today and haven't had the chance to do it."

"No, don't worry, keep it."

"No, I'll give it back."

"Don't. It's nothing, you make use of it."

"Then I'll buy you something nice with it-"

"No, keep it for yourself. I don't need anything," she shook her head. "Use it to go see your daughter or something."

"I can't go see Lavender cause I'm on tour.." he reminded her.

"I'll bring her to you."

"No, I can wait till April," he sighed. "I don't want you to get into a fight with her Mom and ruin the chance of me seeing Lavy for her birthday."

"oh.. okay.."

"Also I don't know how much you think flights cost or where you think I am.." Jack spoke with a small laugh as he lent against the wall of the stairwell, finally looking back at his phone screen. "But two thousand is way too much.."

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