014 | don't take any offence

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"That was good, still could use a little more perfection to avoid wrong cords and all," Randy spoke up while walking over closer to the band. "But half hour break, go get lunch, reset and we'll come back to it. I've got some calls to make so I'll be outside."

With some more small talk, their manager and few team members had soon left them alone as the five boys almost all went straight to their phones to decide on what they wanted for lunch as it was already past midday. Discussing as they done so in case others wanted food from the same place so it saves placing multiple orders.

And after some more discussing Corbyn and Daniel decided to go out for a drive to get their food while the other three ordered theirs' for delivery and stayed there, somewhat relaxing during the break as they waited for it.

"Hey Jack," Zach spoke up gain the attention of the boy as well as Jonah's. "What was Adalyn going to ask yesterday on their podcast that you talked her out of?"

"The whole twenty-nineteen, Hawaii situation.." he explained as the younger slowly nodded. "I knew you wouldn't want the drama brought up again so I saved it from happening."

"Thanks for that.."

"It's all good," he said with a small shrug. "There was a lot she was gonna ask but I made a deal with her- well she got what she wanted to an extent- anyway.. oh Jonah, have you and Valentina moved in together yet?"

He nodded while placing his bottle back and sallowed the water. "Almost. She's still got a couple things to move and sell, but we're getting there."

"Wait, how long have you two been together?" Zach quickly moved his gaze away from his phone to the other, slightly furrowing his brows.

"We started talking like a year ago around now but the official date is at the start of May," he said with a smile. "I don't think I'd be able spend the actual day with her but we have the two weeks before so we don't mind."

"You know her and Adalyn are going to Coachella when we're here, right?" Jack chimed in. "Or did you not know either."

"No, I knew. Corbyn, Daniel and I are too- you're not going are you Zach?"

"No, I'm not really interested," the youngest shook his head.

"Oh just fuck Jack I guess," he half sarcastically spoke. "Let's not tell him any of the plans we're making."

"You have Lavender so we thought I'd be kinda rude to ask if you wanted to join when you've already planned to spend Easter with her," Jonah explained. "Don't take any offence to it."

"It just would have been nice to know before now," he shrugged. "I mean Adalyn only just told me two days ago that the whole two weeks we're here she's going to be there so I probably won't even see her."

"That's on her, not us," Jonah held his hands up slightly in defence. "I'm sure she'll come home between the weekends to see you, cause Val said she's only going the first weekend so I don't know who she's planning on going to the second one with."

"oh great," he pressed his lips together as he slowly nodded.

"Are you two fighting or something?" he elder asked as Jack looked at him with a confused expression plastered across his face. "You just don't seem very happy at the moment while talking about her."

"No," he shook his head. "Well, there's something she wants that I'm just not sure about at the moment- It's nothing really, don't worry about it. We're not like fighting or anything over it."

"oh okay.."

"Anyway, I'm so glad we're leaving for tour soon," he continued to ramble. "Like I'm so excited to get back on the stage pretty much every night. I miss it so much."

"Speaking of.. what cities are your girlfriends coming to?" Zach questioned. "I was talking with Libby the other night about it all."

"Val's just got New York flights booked at the moment," Jonah replied. "Isn't everyone gonna be there cause we're there for almost a week with press and interviews?"

"Yeah Libby's coming then," he agreed. "And then Vegas for my birthday but she's not twenty-one so I don't know how well that's gonna work."

"Don't you have the fake ID link from Adalyn?" Jack raised a brow at him.

"mh.. maybe, I might have deleted it all, but I don't think she'd wanna do that.."

"I'm sure yous will work it out," Jack shrugged. "Anyway Adalyn's coming to New York.. but who knows how many other cities she's just show up at, I told her she can come wherever cause she thinks she's gonna fuck up.."

"Do you think she's going to do something?" Jonah asked while watching the boy shrug once again. "You're unsure?"

"Not necessarily.. I mean like at times I feel like she will cause I know her and her ex never spent time apart so she doesn't really know how to do long distance- I mean sure we do Hawaii but like I hardly hear from her and she doesn't tell me anything really that she gets up to while I'm there."

"Like last month after Vegas.." he continued. "I talked to her once the whole time I was there and that was so Lav could see her, sent her a text messages before that that she just never replied to. And the only thing I know about that she done that week was fucking get off to porn.. that's it, who knows about the other days of the week."

"She admits that to you?" Zach furrowed, receiving a nod from the boy.

"I mean at least you know she's flyin' solo," Jonah let out an awkward chuckle.

"Yeah but like it's more the other shit," Jack subtly shook his head, glancing down at the notification on his phone quickly then back at the boys. "Like I don't care if she does that but it's more the fact that she can go so long at times without letting me know anything."

"And the worst part is that she's admitted to me before about how she use to do all sorts of fucked up drugs and literally said to me like not even a week ago how she fixates of things that aren't good for herself so that only makes me wonder more on what she's up to."

"I don't know, maybe I'm just over thinking it all," he let out a heavy sigh as concludes his ramble. "Also sorry I just need to let all that out cause I can't really talk about it to her cause she will have two options for me and I don't want to do either of them.."

"I'm sure you'll be fine," Jonah reassured him.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


mainly kept zach there with them
to show that him and jack are all good

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