030 | you two do your thing

191 11 1

"Hey Adalyn," Kristin shared a smile with the girl she answered the front door to. "How are you?"

"I'm good.." she forced a smile in return. "Just came to get Jack's guitar.."

"I know," she nodded, welcoming the girl into the house. "I talked to him earlier, I've got it ready for you since Jack said he'll probably be on stage when you get here, which is about right."

"mh, thanks. I'll just grab that and go then.." Adalyn awkwardly spoke, subtly shifting her weight between each feet.

"You're welcome to stay," she more so suggested. "Do you want something to eat or a drink maybe."

"No thanks, I'm good," she softly shook her head. "I just ate before and I drove here so.."

"You can spend the night if you'd like?"

"I'm okay.."

"Listen.. Jack mentioned earlier how things have been lately and he wanted me to make sure you're okay," she confessed. "It's just me here, Ava's gone out and Darren took Isla and a friend out, if you wanna just talk over a drink."

"Plus Jack's so worried that you're going to miss your flight in the morning.. he was like can you please get her to stay so then you can make sure she's awake and at the airport in time for her flight," she added, repeating what her son had told her hours earlier.

"I just don't want to stay only cause I don't think I'm going to sleep and there's like nothing for me to do here.." Adalyn explained. "But I'll have one drink as long as it's just champagne and not anything too strong.."

"Okay," she agreed as the two walked over to the kitchen and dining area. "What have you been up to lately?"

"um.. not much really.." she mumbled, watching her boyfriend's mother grab two glasses for them.

"Haven't been working?"

"No," she shook her head. "I quit almost a year ago and don't really want to go back.. I could but it's not my first choice in what to do with my time."

"Did I hear once that you get money from your parents?" she asked, pouring champagne into both glasses before handing one to the girl.

"yep, basically always have.."

"And your parents do..?"

"um media, marketing, advertising, all that sorta stuff, they own a company.." she explained, "But my Dad does more of the accounting side cause that's what he worked in before Mom started working with big companies. And also my Mom's parents are lawyers and worked in a lot of big cases so like I've always grown up around money."

"Travelled a lot growing up?" Kristin asked.

"mhm. My grandparents took my Mom and her sisters everywhere growing up, and my Dad didn't really get that so they took us everywhere then he could experience it as well- now that I think about it I don't even think Jack knows this much about my family."

"Why not?" she furrowed. "Do you two not talk about family and all? He's met your parents and stayed at their house, I thought?"

"He has," Adalyn nodded. "But they don't like him and don't think I should be dating him, my grandparents think that as well. And whenever we've stayed there they haven't been home, they're like never home."

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