038 | a wreck without her..

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tagged: seaveydanielLiked by JackAveryMusic and others

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tagged: seaveydaniel
Liked by JackAveryMusic and others

WhyDontWeMusic HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR GUY DANIEL!! we love you brother 🤍

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User751 happy birthday daniel!!!

User82 he's so precious

CorbynBesson happy day of birth dan the man

User03 I was at this show!


SeaveyDaniel it's time to partyyyy

User845 im currently imagining them turning the tour bus into a party bus and getting drunk
     | User67 @user845 same lmfao driving to
        next city celebrating instead of sleeping
     before their show tmrw
     | User845 @user67 yeayea

BrookeGould omg it's your bday??????

april 2


"Dude, dude, dude look at this video," Daniel impatiently shook Jack by his shoulder, speaking through slurs while shoving his phone in the boy's face. "Look at how fuckin' cute my girlfriend is."

"She's rambling on about how about she didn't know it was my birthday and how- she's just so adorable. And she's so fuckin' sexy," he kept babbling. "Thanks for getting back with uh what's that girl's name- Adalyn, ew, cause I got this hottie."

"mh," Jack nodded in response to the paused
video that hadn't played at all while Daniel was showing him, then looking at him. "Glad to know you're happy."

"oh Jack, speaking of girlfriends," Zach gained the boys attention from across the small lounge space in their tour bus. "Why's your girlfriend gotta be so rude to mine, Libby's has never done anything to her."

"Because she fucking hates everyone, okay?"

"That's not a good enough excuse as to why Adalyn basically called her boring because she doesn't like to drink, after she had assumed Libby was pregnant with no fucking reason to do so."

"Are you talking about after the New York show when Adalyn was drunk as fuck and talking a bunch of nonsense?" he furrowed, receiving a nod from the younger. "She told me the next morning that the reason she got upset and clingy after they were talking in the kitchen was because your girlfriend called her an alcoholic."

"And yeah maybe Adalyn does depend on alcohol more than she should but Libby shouldn't have said that to her. And also I hope you didn't sit there thinking oh Jack's not talking to her at the moment and he's already mad at her so I'm going to bring this other bullshit drama up.."

"Because although I hate her right now, I love her, I fucking do. And I'll always defend her from whatever bullshit you boys try to put on the blame on her for," Jack continued, downing the last of his drink. "I said some fucked up shit to her yesterday which she's never in a million years gonna forgive me for."

"Bro, everything will be okay," Jonah reassured him, swinging one of his arms around the boy's shoulder.

"And none of that shit yesterday wouldn't have happened if I wasn't here with you guys. And you know what, with the shit you boys say sometimes about my relationship and my girlfriend makes me fucking question why I'm even choosing you over her," he added, throwing the elder's arm off of himself and grabbing his phone. "I'm going to fucking bed."

"I'm sorry by the way.. I didn't realise Libby said something.." Zach spoke up while all four of them watched the boy walking into the bunk area, with no response.

"I mean Libby wasn't wrong when she called Adalyn an alcoholic," Corbyn chuckled.

"Those two are too attached to each other," Daniel softly pressed his lips together as he looked back at the others. "Since meeting her, he's been a wreck without her.."

"Hey, hey, no," Jonah quickly shook his head at the drunk boy's comment. "I will say I know what happened last year, and he had his phone on speaker yesterday while getting ready.. and I just know if your girlfriend- or any of girlfriends were going through the same thing, we'll want to be with them and I'm sure they'd want support from us."

"What even happened though?" Corbyn furrowed. "It's always 'something happened.. they're going through something' blah blah blah. Like stop using that as an excuse if you're not gonna explain what happened."

"It's literally not your business, how many time do you have to be told that," he snapped at the boy's attitude. "And yesterday she was trying to explain to him how she felt while he was mad at her for the whole Lavender situation so he didn't actually process what she was trying to say."

"Then if it's not important, why don't they just forget about it and then he can just brake up with that bitch cause we all know she's not good for him, she just stressed him out all the time.." the other scoffed, "then none of this would even be a problem."

"This is exactly why Jack just said that he question's why he's here because all you do is hate on him and Adalyn," Jonah kept arguing with him. "Like grow up, he likes being with her and they're happy together when they're physically together, she's just struggling being away from him."

"You literally have it out with her," Zach let out a small slightly awkward laugh. 

"Can you boys stop just fighting?" Daniel spoke in slurs once again. "It's my birthday.. stop it."

Meanwhile in his bunk, Jack continued to lay there wide awake as he was able to hear the whole conversation that they had about him. Letting out a sigh as he picked up phone up and attempted to call his girlfriend.

But by no surprise it had rung through to her voicemail, causing him to hang up without thinking before calling her once again to leave a message.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry gorgeous, I wasn't thinking yesterday.. please just talk to me.. I miss you so much.." Jack quietly spoke while sniffling slightly. "I love you.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i cbf reading over this .. also i'm
chapters ahead again lol why does
this keep happening

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