029 | i need you with me

188 9 0

Only an hour after Adalyn attempted to call, Jack had woken up and checked his phone hoping have enough time to get a bit more sleep before another long day but instead his eyes went straight to the missed call from from his girlfriend.

Instantly calling her back without even listening to the voicemail and having no second thought about the time in Los Angeles. Getting out of his bed and making his way to the lounge area of the tour bus with his phone up to his ear, not wanting to disturb the others sleeping.

"hey.." Adalyn softly spoke as she answered the call.

"hi.." Jack let out a sigh of relief as a smile appeared on his lips from hearing her voice. "how are you?"

"I'm sorry for ignoring you.." she apologised as she somewhat avoided his question. "I just couldn't handled seeing you happy without me while I was a mess without you."

"Honestly Ads, I haven't been okay without you.." he shook his head as he wandered back and forth down the little space between the couches. "I've been so stressed the last couple days all because I haven't heard from you. I mean we cancelled our show last night-"

"Why?" she quickly interrupted him.

"Because I was too worry about you and what's going on with you to focus on everything else I have going on.."

"Well that's stupid."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I like that you care about me like that and I do want you home.." she replied, "but I don't know, you said this is your dream and it's what you want to do and you're not going to give it up for me.. yet here you are doing exactly that."

"It's because you drive me crazy Adalyn. You don't keep me updated like you say you will, you completely disappear for days without telling anyone that you're alive. I've constantly been worrying about how you are because I don't want us to be over.."

"So.. you're saying that if I continue to ignore you, you'll come home?"

"No, that's not happening," Jack softly chuckled. "You're coming to me tomorrow anyway, aren't you? You could just stay here with me and neither of us will have anything to worry about."

"mhm, apparently that is tomorrow."

"What do you mean apparently?"

"I was on the phone Willow cause I always talk to her when I'm sad and confused, and I was thinking Friday was still a couple days away but she told me that it's tomorrow," she explained.

"Do you not know what day it is anymore?"

"Babes it's like four-am and I'm wide awake because I woke up like two hours ago.."

"oh Adalyn.. Don't miss your flight."

"I won't, I'll stay up till it."

"And what if you fall asleep right before you're suppose to go?" he asked. "Then you'll miss your flight."

"I won't I promise," she reassured him. "I need you with me again. I'll never miss a flight to you. Plus also I pretty much spend a day awake, a day asleep at the moment so that means I won't sleep till like midday tomorrow, which is when I'm on the flight."

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