025 | last night was a dream

171 10 1

Sat across from the hosts of one of Tampa's local radio stations as they introduced the band to the listeners. And while the four had their whole attention focused on the hosts, Sofia and Zion, Jack was subtly checking his phone every so often hoping to hear back from his girlfriend.

"So last night was the first night tour, which was your first performance in a little over five months.." Sofia asked, "How was that? How was being back on the stage?"

"Last night was a dream, honestly" Daniel responded. "I can't wait to do it all over again here tonight."

"This is our first tour since twenty-nineteen so it feels good to be back on the stage and the road, finally, after so long" Jonah added.

"We got to preform a few new songs last night and also a couple from our album that we hadn't yet, it was fun, everyone seemed to enjoy it," Corbyn mentioned with a small nod. "The good times only tour name is really living up to it."

"Speaking of new songs.." Zion spoke up, "You preformed an unreleased song last night, can the fans know anything about that? A release date? The meaning behind it anything?"

"um yes.. Just Friends.." Daniel nodded, glancing down the line at boy who was slightly distracted, then to the rest of his band mates. "We can talking about it, can't we?"

"I don't see why not," Jonah replied, softly shrugging. "Do you wanna explain, Jack?"

"uhh.. sure," he brought his attention back to the group. "I met my current girlfriend a little over a year ago and uh she was um not ready for a relationship.. and I was alone one night and saw on her Instagram that she was like out with her friends and uh yeah doing some things.."

"So I had started writing cause the idea that I was just one guy in her life at the time was keeping me up, then I sorta forgot about it," he continued. "Then towards the end of last year I found it again and shared what I had written with the boys and then we started working on it. And now we're sharing it with everyone."

"Is this going to be a Harry Styles Medicine situation or is it going to eventually come out?" the male interviewer questioned.

"um.. we're still trying to decide what we want to do," Corbyn responded. "Maybe it was just for last night's show, maybe we're going to preform it in other cities, you're just gonna have to buy tickets and find out for yourself."

"And Jack, you and your muse are no longer just friends?" Sofia raised a brow at him.

"No, not anymore," Jack softly shook his head, letting out an awkward laugh.

"Now.. we asked your fans on Twitter for some questions," Zion mentioned as he opened up the few screenshots they had gotten prior to the interview starting. "So let's get into them.. Carla would like to know, what are each of your favorite songs to preform?"

"I really like All My Love live," Zach replied.

"The vibes of Fallin' since it's the opener, hits different," Corbyn answered.

"It does," Daniel agreed. "But my favorite's gotta be Lotus Inn, I hold that song close to me."

"I'm enjoying Love Song," Jonah said with a small nod.

"I've gotta say Just Friend, I can't not say it now," Jack chuckled. "Also seeing everyone's reaction last night, like how quickly everyone went from freaking out to complete silence so they could hear the song was like priceless."

"Some knew the chorus," Jonah chimed in, looking over at the other boy. "Cause we had teased it a few weeks ago."

"Wont be long till everyone knows the lyrics," Sofia replied. "And Parker wants to know since the tour ends in Vegas, just before Zach's twenty-first birthday, was that planned so you could celebrate there?"

"Sort of.." the youngest nodded. "We have a two-ish week break in the middle of tour so Jack can spend his daughter's birthday with her, so it just worked out that the Vegas show is a couple days before my birthday."

"And are you going to do something big for it?" Zion asked.

"Our friends are going to come to Vegas, but what can I say it's a twenty-first, just gonna see where it goes," he let out a laugh.

"Twenty-first's are always wild, especially if you're going to spend it Vegas," he replied. "And one more question to wrap up.. Lili said there's many positives of going tour but what's one thing that makes tour hard?"

"Oh leaving family and loved ones of course, I think we can all agree on that," Jonah quickly responded.

"Defiantly," Jack agreed, softly nodding.




hey gorgeous i've finished up
with my interview now .. i'm
guessing you're asleep which is
okay but i love you and i miss
you, call me when you're up


hey ads if you're awake yet did
you wanna call before i preform?
i have like 50 minutes spare
right now

if you're busy that's okay


on stage in a few minutes i'll
let you know when i'm off and
we can hopefully talk then🤍


gorgeous if you want to call
while i pack up my stuff i have
time before we get on the road


hey, me again. i'm sorry for
blowing up your phone all day..
i just want to know that you're
okay. call if you need me i miss
your voice

i love you🤍

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


little wdw interview and jack
missing his girlfriend ☹️

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