040 | when i'm drunk

192 11 20

Once Thursday night came around, Adalyn was lost for ideas when it came to what to do with her time since she had drunk the last of her alcohol and smoked the last of her weed the previous night. She knew she could just go buy more, but if she was being completely honest with herself, being in the apartment with no one to talk to was starting to drive her crazy.

So instead, after mindlessly wandering around the place, she had picked up her phone and checked what her friends were up to that evening. Yet since her main few friends were busy with other prior commitments, she had made plans with Lexi to attend a party together.

Lexi had met the girl at her apartment complex before the pair headed to the house party. The two splitting off their own ways quite quickly as Adalyn went to get a drink and make friends while the other had went to talk with people she already knew there.

"You look lost," a stranger made their way over to Adalyn after noticing her walking around and just looking at all the groups.

"I won't lie.. it's been a while since I've been to a party.." she replied, taking a sip of her drink as she looked at the boy, taking note of his messy brunette hair, tan skin and the tattoos covering his arms.

"Well I'll make sure you're safe tonight," he explained with a smile. "Introduce you to some friends- I'm joking, I don't know anyone here."

"How'd you get invited then?" she chuckled slightly. "Isn't this some like 'big tiktoker's' house?"

"I don't know, something like that," he shrugged as they started walking away from the drinks area and to a more quiet space. "There's some like wanna be famous girls in my classes and I overheard them talking about it."

"And free alcohol is better than paying for it," he added, stopping in spot and turned to look at her. "How'd you get invited huh?"

"Friend's a stylist for some of them.. well friend who's not really a friend anymore.."

"Right," he nodded. "Rowan, by the way."

"Adalyn," she introduced herself.

"You're stunning, I must say," he mentioned. "May I please have your number or even your Instagram, whatever you do?"

"uh sure.. my Instagram's Adalyn Barlow," she responded, spelling her name out for him as she watched him type it in. Looking down at her own phone as she received his follow notification. "mh.."

"What's the little hum for?" he moved his attention back to her.

"Why not Giorgio Armani?" she playfully raised a brow.

"My name's not Giorgio cause I'm not the brand.. nor am I rich and well known."

"Well that's too bad cause my boyfriend is," she shrugged.

"That explains the twenty thousand followers," he replied. "Anyway, what's he doing leaving a girl like you all alone?"

"He's on tour.." she answered. "And last time I checked it was closer to twenty five. Also I had like half of those before I even met him."

"What do you do then?"

"uh stand still and look pretty."

"Makes sense," he nodded.

"What do you do?" she asked.

"I'm in college but I also work at a daycare on my free days to pay for college cause it's fucking expensive."

"You're allowed to with all those tattoos?" she tilted her head. "I thought it was like a no go at daycares?"

"Yeah, a lot of parents don't really mind but I just wear long sleeves, it doesn't bother me," he explained. "I've thought about getting hand tattoos, but it's not the most important thing and I like my job so.."

"You like kids?"

"mhm, adore them, I think kids are like the cutest things in the world."

"So you want kids?"

"Yeah of course," Rowan quickly nodded. "But like I haven't met the right girl yet and I'm only twenty-four, still got a couple years of my course left and I'm not really in the financial position for a child.. so I can defiantly wait."

"In that case, hand over your phone," she held her hand out as he sort of hesitantly listen. "You can have my number so if my dickhead boyfriend breaks up with, I know who to text."

"You want kids then?"


"Well I mean you're like my dream girl so I'm willing to throw all morals out the window for you," he slightly smirked.

"I mean I could defiantly get with- No, actually, I'm not going to.. I'm just gonna walk away now," Adalyn finally handed the boy's phone back to him. "And defiantly don't find me later, I make bad decisions when I'm drunk.."

"Sounds like you're asking me to," he softly chuckled.

"I'm not, I have a boyfriend," she flashed him a smile as she walked away.

And as the night went on, Adalyn got more and more drunk, and even finding some girls to smoke some weed with. So by the time the clocks neared two in the morning, she was on a completely different planet.

She stood in front of the drinks, scroll through the messages from Jack that he had sent earlier in the night, getting annoyed by how — what she deemed as — needy and desperate he was being by wanting to talk with her.

"I fucking hate you," she muttered to her phone as she shoved it back in her bag, and turned her attention to her drink of choice.

"Had a bit too much to drink, have you?" Rowan spoke through slight slurs, although he wasn't nearly as much under the influence as she was.


"do you wanna go upstairs? he questioned, whispering into her ear. "Forget about the boyfriend for a moment."

"Don't make me make bad decisions," she turned herself away from him, letting out a small giggle.

"Come on stunner," he continued to beg as he lent down and placed a few soft kisses on the side of her neck.

Adalyn tilted her head back and looked up at him with a smile on her lips, soon spinning around to face him and letting him place a kiss on her lips. "Fine, fine, we can go upstairs," she gave in.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


um ... 😬

also i feel like i always end up
writing about adalyn wanting a kid..
but rowan being 110% her type was key
information in her decision making

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