042 | you're so cute

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Braving her slight fear of travelling solo, Adalyn arrived in Hawaii around midday local time. Picking up a rental car, placing her bag for the overnight trip on the passenger seat and securing the little girl's carseat in the back before driving to Gabriela's house.

This time having the actual address loaded into her directions and not having to guess, and also in a much better mood than the pervious time she was there, quietly singing along to her music on the drive over.

Arriving and turning the car off, she sent her boyfriend a text so he knew she had gotten there all okay, as she got out and wandered over to the door, softly knocking on it and waiting for them to answer.

"Addie! Addie," Lavender called out as her mother opened the door, running straight to her and hugging the girl's legs.

"Hi cutie.." she picked the little one up, then moving her eyes to Gabriela and giving her a small smile, "hey."

"Where's Dadaaa?" she dragged her words out as she frowned at his girlfriend.

"I'm going to take you to him," Adalyn replied, holding up two fingers as she explained; "Two sleeps and you'll see him. One sleep on the plane all the way to Dada's house, and then you'll be with Grandma tomorrow and when you wake up the next morning, Dada will be there."

"But where's Dada?" she furrowed. "I wanna see Dada now."

"Dada's off singing.. going lalalala."

"I wanna see Dada sing!"

"There's lots of people and it's really loud, it's not very fun," she shook her head. "And I got places to be cutie."

"But I wanna see Dada sing," Lavender repeated, disregarding everything Adalyn had said.

"You wanna see Dada," she slowly nodded, grabbing her phone on of her back pocket as she kept ahold of girl in one arm.

"Where's Jack at, what city?" Gabriela asked, her arms folded as she looked at the pair.

"That's what I'm checking," Adalyn responded as she looked through the picture her and her boyfriend had sent each other to find the list of tour dates. "um.. Minnesota. Can I take her there or..?"

"If she's going to her Dad then sure," she shrugged. "You should be set now, she's had lunch and a bath already but make sure to feed her dinner. And also if you're taking her to his show can you make sure she has headphones, the sounds will be very damaging to her eardrums."

"Yes, I was going to anyway. And I look after my niece all the time, I know how to take care of a three year old," she nodded. "But no bag for her? Clothes, other toys, anything?"

"I got my bunny!" Lavender showed the girl her stuffed toy.

"She takes that with her, but Jack usually brings a bag for her," Gabriela said confused. "You didn't?"

"No.. I didn't really read my messages from him and he didn't leave anything for her at my place other than her carseat," she shook her head, looking back at the little girl. "That's okay though, we'll go to the store, get a little snack then we'll go have dinner and go to the airport."

"Alright, we're going to go now then seems we have a lot to do, say goodbye to Mama," Adalyn continued while placing Lavender down so she could. "And do you want my number this time so you know she's safe or whatever?"

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