012 | be honest with me

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A couple days had passed since the couple had the long conversation about having a kid together, and since then Adalyn had been avoiding bringing the topic back up again since she knew her boyfriend wanted time to think about it and didn't want to be upset by his answer.

Since it was the weekend Jack didn't have any rehearsals on and instead got to spend the whole day with the girl. Both getting up after midday, the couple were currently sitting at the kitchen island, their now empty plates in front of them and talking about everything going on.

"Be honest with me, Adalyn.. how do you feel about me going on tour?" Jack asked the girl. "No like you're not going, you don't need to go.. genuinely, how do you think you'll be?"

"It's only two weeks and a bit before we fly out so I just want to be able to be prepared for everything with like Lavy and all while I have time and not have to stress a couple days before or while I'm busy with the tour," he continued.

"I don't know.. fine I guess.." she mumbled.

"You can come if you want," he mentioned, slightly tilting his head as he looked at her and the small frown on her face. "Or come visit whenever."


"You don't want me to go, do you?"

"no, not really," she shook her head.

"Why not?"

"I like being around you," she said with a subtle shrug. "I just don't want you to leave. I just have this gut feeling that it's not going to be good for us."

"Do you think you're going to do something, or I'm going to do something, or what?" he questioned. "Why do you feel like somethings going to go wrong?"

"Just because we're going to be so far from each other and like I don't think I can trust myself for that long unless I stay in here basically the whole time," she confessed. "And not go out with my friends because I'll probably end up in a situation I shouldn't be in."

"Cause that's the only way I stopped seeing other guys last year.." she continued. "And yeah I guess it worked but I was so over life and didn't see any point to anything then. And it was just really bad for me, I felt so lonely even though Willow was here with me most the time."

"Just because you go out, it doesn't mean you have to drink," Jack more so suggested as she looked at him confused. "You've mentioned before that you can't control yourself when you're drunk, so if you just take the chance of that happening away, then you won't be put in that position."

"And I'm sure you'll be fine even if you have just one drink or even a couple, but then again you did say the other day that you've stopped drinking.." he added.

"that's only for if I get pregnant but you don't even want to have a kid with me so I don't see why I can't start drinking again," she muttered.

"I never said that," he shook his head as he let out a small sigh. "I don't know why you keep putting this idea in your head that I don't want a kid with you when I've told you before that that's not the case."

"Adalyn, just because I say now doesn't seem like the right time or I want more time to think about it, it doesn't mean I don't ever want to have a kid with you. I know you want your own kid, clearly somewhat soon, and I am in fact open to the idea of having another kid."

"I have thought about it, a lot, over the past couple days and.. although I- if we were to "plan" out this all, I don't think trying at the moment would be good idea," he explained.

"And I only say this because I know nine months from now in like November, early December, I will probably still be busy on tour and doing stuff with the band.. It'll just be hard for me to be here with you. We haven't been on tour in two years so I just want to be able to enjoy it."

"okay.." she mumbled, her gaze saying away from the boy.

"Come here," he said as he got off the seat and moved over closer to his girlfriend, wrapping his arms around her while lightly resting his head on top of her's.

"I know we're still young but I've always dreamt of having a kid in my early twenties and I've never wanted a baby more then now, after the whole miscarriage thing," she sniffled, wiping away the few tears from under her eyes.

"Let's just get through this leg of the tour.." he lifted his head back up, her soon moving her eyes to his. "Then we'll see where we're at and decide then."

"Now.. you know how I have Lavy for her brithday.." he continued.


"Will you be okay to go get her from Hawaii?" He asked. "Or should I organise my Mom to go pick her up?"

"Are you not going?" she looked at him confused as she slightly titled her head.

"Well we don't get back here till the fourteenth which is the Thursday and it just save me having to travel into Easter weekend," he explained. "And her Mom will come pick her up."

"Val and I were planning to leave for Coachella late on the Wednesday before easter.." she mentioned, grabbing her phone to check the plans that were already booked, that she was yet to inform the boy on.

"Oh.. that's fine, I can organise Mom or Syd to go get her-"

"No, I still go get her for you," she interrupted him. "I can just get her on the Tuesday, can't I? Leave her with your family the night I leave. And I can take her home as well to save her Mom coming. I'll pay for it all, you don't have to worry about that."

"I'll talk to Gabriella.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


it's been decided.. no baby atm,
jack gets it his way

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