032 | show that you hate me

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After a day out and about in the city of New York with his friends, shooting for a magazine issue, then heading to the studio to record with a local producer friend to fill in their afternoon before their group dinner.

But as the time pasted and Jack continued to text his girlfriend who was already over being out and in the city only minutes after her and her friends had arrived to wander around a little until the reservation.

"I'm just going step out for a second," Jack said as he got up, getting the okay from his friends and then heading out of the room.

Finding somewhere a bit more quiet and pressing call on his girlfriend's contact, holding his phone up to his ear as he slowly paced back and forth waiting for her to answer.


"Hey.. what's up?" he asked, the smile partly dropping from his lips as he heard her slightly sad tone. "Why don't you want to go out anymore?"

"I don't want to socialise," she groaned. "I just want to get weed and go back to the house and fuck you."

"Okay um.. since when do you smoke?" he furrowed. "Is this something you've picked up since I've left?"

"No. I use to.. a lot.. and I wanna start doing it again but none of the girls will go with me to buy it, and I don't want to go alone," she replied. "Will you go get weed with me? I do remember a certain someone saying you spend all your money on weed.. and I've yet to see that."

"um.." he hummed, taking a second to think about it. "I haven't in ages, it doesn't- it just makes me feel worst honestly.."

"Okay well will you go with me to get some for myself then?"

"I mean sure I guess, but is there a reason the girls won't go with you?" he asked. "Cause I've definitely seen some of them smoke before."

"No," she quickly responded. "They'd just rather walk around in circles while we wait for you boys. Steph was going to come with me but Naomi wants her to stay with her. So can we?"

"Okay," he softly nodded. "Well I'll be finished in like twenty minutes then we have that dinner.. so do you know where to buy it? And what time they're open till and all that?"

"Yes Avery," she sighed in annoyance. "The one I was looking at is in the city and open till eleven but I don't want to go to dinner anyway, I think we should just go there then back to my place and spend the night together, just us."

"Why don't you want to go to dinner?"

"I told you, I don't want to socialise," she huffed. "I don't want to have to put up with everyone tonight and then again tomorrow with all the twelve year olds as well. Please Jack, I don't want to go, we'll have a lot more fun at home."

"Alright.." he agreed. "I'll see you soon."

"Thank you babe, I love you."

"I love you too.."

Hanging up the call, Jack placed his phone into his pocket and made his way back into the studio, exchanging a small smile with his friends as he sat down on the lounge and let out a sigh. Waiting for the other boys to wrap up the session.

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