Chapter 34

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(A/N: I've decided I've made Ash too overpowered so I'm gonna change his ranking from the cadets to 5th, his skill level is more or less the same as the rest of the squad now. Anyway here's some drawings of Ash I did, I'm rlly proud of the 2nd one)

 Anyway here's some drawings of Ash I did, I'm rlly proud of the 2nd one)

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I dropped down from the tree, wind rushing past me

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I dropped down from the tree, wind rushing past me. The mass of titans below me grew closer and closer with every passing second.

Before I was within arms reach of the disgusting monsters, I hooked onto one chopping off its nape swiftly.

Flying through the air I sliced more and more napes from the titans. I looked up briefly to see a few people running up and down the branches above me, packing everything up to leave.

I shifted my focus on the titans ahead of me as a giant arm flew towards me. I moved sideways out of harms way before propelling myself at the creatures nape, cutting it off like I had done with many before it.

As the smoke from the now rotting titan corpses arose, it became harder and harder to see.

Occasionally a hand would appear out of nowhere, each time I narrowly missed it though it scared me half to death each time.

Gradually I began to see less and less people, though less titans too. It was clear to me many people were dying even though the smoke prevented me from seeing it.

As my blades grew dull and my gas became fumes, I pulled back to go refuel. I ran along the branches to the where the supply of gas and blades were.

I quickly refueled and stocked up my blades as many people were also doing. Once I was finished, I jumped down from the trees once again.

Even from above, I could hardly see anything through the smoke. As I plunged into it, I kept an eye out for any sign of Levi or Petra so I could make sure they were okay.

Soon enough I saw Levi cut through the smoke. His gaze locked with mine as he changed course to come towards me.

"Ash!" He shouted to me holding up two fingers.

I nodded as I changed my trajectory so I would fly into Levi's legs. Once I had done so, I grabbed onto his ankles so we would spin around.

Once I felt like we had enough force, I let go of his ankles sending him flying into some titans with great force.

I'll love you forever [Levi Ackerman x male oc]Where stories live. Discover now