Well this was it, school ugh. Starting all over making new friends, learning all the teachers names and how many times you have them, make sure you don't get lost. This time was different, Billy and Max had to stay longer in the principal office to make things are in order before letting them go.
"Ah, so I finally meet Billy." Which Billy had to correct him of not calling him William. Looking at his papers things seemed to be normal or than getting detention a couple of times for fighting. Billy had stopped doing since all they did was call his father and caused more pain. So he tries not to do any of that. "Mr.Portland said a lot about you."
"Good things I hope."
"Of course. Now all I ask for you is to do your best in my school and we won't have any problems from here on out."
"Yes sir."
On to his class where he was introduced by his teacher. She young and young boys did like her. "Everyone this is Billy Hargrove. Billy this is my class. You can go ahead and take a seat." Quick and simple. That's how Ms. Nickson liked it.
Sitting in the back of the class room while people stare at him, he thought to himself well 'at least I got one class with Anastasia.'
"Hi Billy." Anastasia whispers.
"Hey." He whispered back.
Class started from then, Max really didn't make friends not even at lunch time two boys were looking at her during lunch, Anastasia just by chance has the same lunch period as Max. Sitting with each other Billy wasn't about to join them what so ever then Tommy pulls him to the side. "Come hang out with us."
Billy went with Tommy and sat with his new friend and some girls. "Billy met my friends, this is Tina, that's Sara, other there is Kevin, and this is BJ and." Pointing the very last girl "Casey."
"Nice to meet you all." Billy smiled as he sat down. He was with the cool kids or Simi cool kids.
"Tina is hosting a party next week, you want to join us?"
"I'd like that." Lifting up his sandwich wasn't sure if he wanted to eat it or not.
Back with Anastasia and Max they watched Billy for awhile. "He's better off with them and not us." Max said.
"Totally. He wouldn't dare look at me until today."
"That's Billy for ya. Anyways I'm glad that you and I have the same lunch period."
"Me too. Have you made any friends?"
"Other than two creepers staring at me? No."
"Boys I'm going to guess."
Max pointed them out as Anastasia looks over, the boys acted weird like they weren't looking at them. Anastasia knew exactly who these boys were. Laughing a little Anastasia looked right back at Max glancing over seeing Billy looking at them as well for a quick moment. Shaking her head. "You don't ever have to worry about those two ever." Picking at her food. "They're harmless."
"But why stare?"
"One maybe because you are adorable, two because you go to the arcade a lot and thinking that they have met their match."
Rolling her eyes as she sighed. "I'm not cute."
"Um hello? Yes you are! I would kill to have red hair blue eyes or.." Looking into Max's eyes. "Sorry green. And to be skinny. Girl you are BEAUTIFUL. So lucky." Ending with a wink.
"You think so?"
"Hush, I know so. Now let's finish our lunch and see what theses fools want."
"How do you know them?"
"Babysat both of them different times. Dustin he makes me laugh all the time. Lucius, him and his sister are very very nice. Well to me not so much to each other. But you know how it is with siblings."
Max turns to Billy who was having fun with his new friends. "Yeah I sure do."
Lucas and Dustin come up to Max and talked about who she was at the arcade gaming name MadMax. And they were just gossiping about it, while Anastasia was walking over to Billy. Billy points to the kids who were talking to Max. "Who the fuck are they?"
"Kids in Max's class. Is that so bad?"
Blowing out some smoke. "No, I just don't want trouble from them."
Anastasia laughed a little bit. "Haha, those two. Billy they are kids."
Rolling her eyes as she sees Max running to the car. "Boys who do not get into trouble."
Max looks at both of them. "Sorry, we are working on a class project." Getting into the back seat.
Billy got into the car. "I don't want trouble from them."
Max got a little worried and looked out the window. "No worries."
Anastasia got into the car after Max. Billy drove off super fast and almost ran other kids over.