Billy walked her up to the door. "Well I guess that was that."
"You didn't have a good time."
"I had a good time Billy."
"Well you sure didn't act like it."
"Billy.. I'm tried you saw everything that I went through today. Then we had to deal with that bastard."
"I have to go though it too ya'know. And I make sure that I shake it off. I don't have grandparents to take care of me Anastasia."
"Why are to taking a stab at me? You almost got into two fights with him Billy. I'm sorry that I didn't want them to call the cops on you."
"Maybe you'd ike that."
"You know what Billy. Grow the fuck up. Okay? I'm over this. I wanted you to come up stairs with me. To do what that I don't know. But if you are going to act like this. Fuck off. Go home or stay here I don't fucking care!" She shouted at him.
Moving away from him she grabbed her arm, then pushed her to the wall. Not hard but enough to scare her. Gently he garbs her throat not choking her, the hand is just sitting there. "Don't get cocky with me little girl. Go up to your room. I don't want you to ever speak like that to me again."
"So then it's a one way show huh? You get to act out. But I can't. Choke me I dare you. I been through that plenty of times."
"I would never dare to hurt you like that. But your attitude sucks."
"As does yours Billy."
His thumb gently rubs her throat wanting to kiss her. Being a spoil brat he decided not too. Before removing his hand from her throat. "Go to your room."
"Or what Billy? This is my house not ours."
Giving her a side smirk. "If this was our place believe me this would be way worse. Now. Go. To. Your. Room."
"Make me Billy, I don't take orders from you, like you don't take orders from me."
Billy had enough of her attitude. "That's it. Enough is enough." Getting her across the right side of his shoulders. Yes she was heavy. But he didn't mind that, when he is pissed, he gets pissed. So going up the stairs didn't matter to him.
Anastasia pouted as she was being carried, she did nothing wrong. He's the one who is over reacting. Not making a peep as they go upstairs. He opens the bedroom door tossed her on the bed.
"That was not cool Billy."
"Well if you are going to act like a child then I'm going to treat you like one." Taking off his coat. "Get your PJs on and do whatever you have to do for bed."
"Why so you can report to my grandpa about me acting normal and your aren't."
"Oh so acting like this is normal for you. Got it, spoiled."
"I'm not that type of spoil Billy. At least I don't do one night stands or break up a marriage."
As she was getting more upset with him, he was quite enjoying himself. "Well I'm young and I'm not a dud like most of these men are."
"I'm sure you don't treat Max like this."
"You're right I don't because she listens and she knows that I will treat her more like shit. So stop you damn bitching and get ready for bed."
"Fine! If that will make you stop ordering me what to do." Moving off the bed she went right to bathroom. This was kinda turning them both on. But not to much to do anything.
Coming out on her PJs she head straight to bed. "There was that so hard?"
"No." Pulling back the covers.
Billy moved closer to her as she was in bed. Lying down he pulled the covers up to her arms. Starring into her ears as he loves to mess with her. Leaning down to were it looked like they are going to kiss. "I'm not a bad guy here Anastasia. You had two beers for the first time. So I'm going to let all of this slide. Now be a good little girl and get some sleep."
Being totally cocky. "I will if you stay."
Billy softly laughs. "For acting like this, that is a hard core of a no." Their noses touched as they both smiled. "I'll see you in the morning."
Smelling his breath of cigarettes and beers with a little mint from his gum. "You are the biggest teaser in the world."
"Somebody got to be when it comes to you." Off the bed as he took his coat and heads towards the door. "I know you'll have sweet dreams tonight." Opening the door and then gently closing it.
Closing her eyes as she began to touch herself a little.