Part 26

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Morning breaks as Billy woke up first feeling numb since he didn't move throughout the night so Anastasia would be more comfy than he would be. Stretching out his body, twisting his upper body from the left to the right. After doing that he stands up, goes to the bathroom. Coming out he sees that Anastasia is still sleeping. Placing a hand on her back he gently shakes her.

"Morning?" Ana woke up stiff as well.

"Yes it is. How am I going to get out of this?"

Rubbing her eyes. "Meaning?"

"Isn't your papa going to kill me?"

Sat up slowly. "No, don't worry about him. As long he doesn't come in here seeing neither of us naked. He doesn't care."

That made him chuckle. "Naked huh?"

Shaking her head. "I know, as if right?" Moving the covers off of her as she heads to the bathroom. "What will make him really made if I end up pregnant." Chuckling at herself.

'Pregnant. That's what happened in my dream.' The time she came back. "Ready to go down stairs?"


Down stairs they ate breakfast, Mr. Portland wasn't there so nothing really happened. Billy stayed for another hour before he went home. He helped Anastasia with her bandages. "After work I can come back."

"If you want too. I'd love it if you did. Also understand if you don't." Anastasia cuts off the newer piece for him to put on.

"Alright then I'll see you later then."

"See you then."

Billy wraps her up and then heads down stairs. It was innocent crush for each other. Who know why they both don't come forward with each other. Going to work he changed into his swim trunks. Popping in a some gum, Mrs.Wheeler comes out of the pool, Billy hands her a towel.

"Did you enjoy your swim?"

"I did, thank you Billy."

"You know we here do private lessons on swimming of you wanted to become a better swimmer." Something always come over him when he is with other ladies. I guess he always loved the attention, the good kind.

"You do?" Being flattered by him. Couldn't help but blush. "What kind to you teach?"

"Butterfly stroke, back hand. You name it we can or I can teach ya." He was flirting so hard with her that she doesn't even know it.

Damping her face lightly. "Oh well I might have to take you up on that. When do these classes start?"

While the conversation was happening Anastasia drops by to drop off Billy's necklace. He had taken it off right before they went to sleep. Heart sank down as those two flirted. She held her head up high and went to the office and gave the front desk person his necklace.

"Will you tell Billy that I'll be gone for the weekend?"

"Sure thing Ana." James spoke. "Have a good day."

"You too." After leaving Billy saw Anastasia, her face beat red as if she was angry and about to cry. She glares at him for a moment. Getting into her car she drove off knowing that he wouldn't dare chase after her. Nor coming back to her house tonight.

Yup he ruined the shot for both of them, toxic relationship they have. Leaning back in his chair, he was pissed at himself. They're done for good, just people walking by.

By the time Billy got home Max was in her room doing her homework. "Max?"

"What do you want Billy?"

"I called Anastasia and there one no there."


"She told me to come over tonight. Do you know by chance know anything that I may have done?"

Shutting her book loudly. "Billy, you shit head. She loves you. And you LOVE her. But clearly she isn't your type so she finds away to avoid you so she won't get hurt by you and you by her." Max sighed. "Don't worry I told her this too. Billy if you call your self a real man, act like one. Don't be going ng for the girls who just want you in their pants and same for you." Going a little to far Billy was getting a little angry. "Sorry Billy but you know that is true. Look I love Anastasia like she's my older sister. And since you are my older step brother, I care. What's the harm in trying if you don't know?"

Max is right... How was he going to break it to Anastasia...maybe they should at least try. He hates when he gets close to people and leaves. "Do you know her favorite type of flowers?"

"Any type of fake ones. Why I haven't got a clue she claims she can keep them forever."

"And what do you claim?"

"Not sure yet. Can I please go back doing my homework?"

"Yeah yeah yeah." Billy leaves her room.

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