Kids and Steve had left to head over to the hospital. Anastasia helped Billy into the couch. About 30 minutes he became conscience and noticing his surroundings. "What the hell." As he lifted his head up.
Anastasia had an ice pack to put on his head. "Well your sorry ass got out beat by your step sister."
The cold felt nice to his head. "Why do I feel like I was hit by a bus?"
"Well you weren't, you were drugged." She sat on the floor next to him.
His eyes were still blurry as he slowly sat up. Anastasia kids helps him up, but he pushes her away. "You lied to me."
"I had too."
"You see, Max and I wanted to come over here because the boys had something that they wanted to show us. So I drove them back here. And then something wrong happened Billy. I don't know what, but the last thing I remember that Will was acting crazy and starting to hit all of us. I gently knocked him out so we could all get home. And if I brought her home the way she looked. Your parents would not let her go anywhere." Anastasia sat next to him. "I took the worst beating then they did. I would never want them to get hurt."
"Has Will done this before?"
"No, never. He is the most sweetest kid you could ever ask for." With a sigh. "I'm sorry Billy really I am. I don't blame you getting angry. But all this fighting was to much."
HE never had to explain himself for anything or to anyone. "Neil got into my head." The pounding of his head was killing him as Anastasia hands him some pain killers. "You know how he is, or at least I think you do." He rubbed his gut.
"He hit you?"
"Yeah. But that isn't new." Billy tries to stand up but still felt dizzy.
"He hits you?" All she wanted to do was hug him. "I'm sorry. A parent should never hit or speak awful to their child." Anastasia looks down as she helps him a little. "At least let me drive you home."
"What are you going to tell them? Hmmm?" Billy chuckles. "That a kid went wild?"
"You leave that to me Billy."
"Why should I ever trust you again?"
"You don't have too. Unless you want to drive home and get a ticket for driving under the influence." Guiding Billy to stand up.
"Fine. But that's all I'm going to trust you with." They both headed to his car as Anastasia drove Billy back home. Susan comes running out seeing her step son and neighbor coming out of Billy's car.
"Are the two of you okay?" Looking for Max as she helped Billy with Anastasia.
"Yes. Before you ask, Max is fine. One of her friends had a seizures and so she is at the hospital with them."
"And what happened to him?"
"Billy picked us up from a bar while we had car trouble and one of the drinks had something in it." They got him on the couch. Neil comes out not seeing Max but sees Anastasia instead.
"Where is Max?"
"She's at the hospital with a friend that she is very close too. Anastasia wanted to get Billy home and then she would get Max."
"Car trouble then?"
"Yes, Billy was drugged and so I took him home and now I'm going to go to my papa's and get a car and bring home Max." Ana said, not even looking at Neil.
"See, he is such a screw up, cant go without fucking up." Squatting in front of his son.
"Well actually it was my drink, Billy saved me." Anastasia proudly said. "Your son did a proud moment in my eyes." She was going to say more but Billy stopped her.
"Please go and get Max."
Anastasia looked back at Billy and nodded she left. Billy would love watching Anastasia kicking his ass but not in front of Susan that wouldn't be fair to her. Anastasia went to the hospital to get Max. Will was doing a little bit better for the medicine was kicking in. Max ran to Anastasia and hugged her along with Jane. She took the girls home and took a bath as she was in more pain, for Max there was no fight with her on being late.
Sneaking to check to see how Billy was doing, Billy could tell that it was Max. "You have a good friend Max, a lucky one for you."
Freezing for a moment as she walked back out.