Part 12

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Max arrived, going up to Anastasia, gently tossing the bag onto Ana's bed. "I have no clue what the two of you have over each other, on his side he needs to grow up."

Anastasia looked up from one of her books. "What are you talking about?"

"I see the way you two looked at each other, it was weird. Plus he looked at you as he told the time he was going to pick her up."

"He's pissed that we weren't partners in a project that is all Max. He would never date me unless I was a skinny mini and had blue eyes or even blonde. Or an older woman." Putting her book away. Sat on her bed.

"Still it looked like he wanted permission to date her." Max giggled.

"Why would I care who he dates? He doesn't even notice me even if we are in a same room. You are cute Max really. That's one of season I love you." She chuckled.

"Still, he got mad that you weren't his partner, and that you might not had stop him from the date."

"Yeah, yeah." They began their homework.

Max is staying over as Billy goes out for his date, as they go to a party, the guy who was paired up with Anastasia was there. Billy heard his conversation with another guy. "So I got paired up with a piggy."

"With a money piggy." The other guy said. "She is loaded with money."

"Maybe she should pay to lose that weight. And maybe people would bang her. I bet she has a tight pussy."

This was getting Billy upset, as they were talking Billy put a stop to it. "Why do you care what she looks like, shes very nice. And caring. Besides she would never go for a guy like you anyways dumb shits."

Joe is his name and he laughed at Billy. "Oh look at this, tough guy. You love her so something? Or he already knows what's it like to be inside of her." He laughs so hard.

Billy punches Joe. "That's not how you treat a woman."

Spitting blood. "Coming from a guy who dates ten other girls."

Billy wasn't going to be a fool of a fool. "Well at least I don't try to feel them up to see if they are tight." He wanted to pick the shit out of this guy even more but walked away.

Shelly was turned on by this as she watched the man she started to like. He was a hero in her eyes. Joe spat more blood towards Billy but missed. But the ended the night quickly for Shelly and Billy.

BIlly dropped of Shelly to drive home before she left the car she kissed his cheek before leaving. He smiled a little bit as Billy watched her walking to the door. Driving away quickly he drove of to Anastasia house. It was dark but k owing her she still may be up.

Thankfully she was up, sitting on the swing. Seeing him pulling up with out his car lights, Anastasia started to get worried. Shutting the door as he got out of the car with a cigarette in his mouth.

"I need to speak to you."

"Okay." Not knowing what it was about, but seeing blood on his hand she sighed. "Come inside." In the kitchen she brought out some bandages and a wash cloth to wipe the blood off. "How bad was it this time?" Thinking that he hit his dad.

"I didn't hit my dad." Looking at the stuff she was bringing out. "You don't need to do all of this. I can take care of myself."

"I know you can. Beside it may look like it will get infected. Will you at least let me wash it?"

With a sigh he nods. "I got into a fight with Joe."


"Joe that is in our class." Billy watched her wipe the blood away. It was stinging still.

"Joe Michel? You hit him? What for?" At frost she thought it was her dad but there was a Joe in her class.

"Being an ass."

"Billy." She said with a warning tone. "We can all be asses but you just don't go and hit him."

"I know that. But this was for a good reason." She gently place the wrap on his hand. "He was being a bully to a girl. I wasn't going to allow that."

"Well good for you then." Not looking at him awhile she wraps his hand.



"I always wanted to ask, who gave you that necklace?"

Billy looks down with a smile of remembrance of his mom giving it to him. "My mom did. Before she left, we used to go to church and confessed all our sins and whatever. She went to a shop one year and just bought for me and I never took it off since."

"How lovely."

"All my years you are the second person to ask me about this."

"Who was the first?"

"Susan. At first she thought that I stoled it, but my old man told her the story."

Anastasia chuckles a little. "The only thing that you steal is the ladies hearts. Their in trouble if their men don't watch out."

Billy gently chuckled. "Yeah, they better be." With a sigh. "So I take it that my sister is sleeping over then."

"That she is." As she put on a little pin that would hold the wrap for the night. "Her mom thought it was for the best. Do you need to stay over. I have a space bedroom that you can use."

As he would love that, he should his head no. "I would, but I'm sadly afraid that the old man would be upset if I did."

Anastasia put the things away. "Well you are more than welcome too at anytime."

"Thanks Ana."

"You're welcome Billy and goodnight."

He waves as he walked out the door and drove back home for the rest of the night. Max was awake and saw everything and thought it was cute. Billy would never let anyone touch him to fix a wound. Not even Susan. So Billy definitely has a little crush on her.

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