Part 25

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Weeks went by as school was out for summer, Anastasia came home. Billy came over a lot with Max. This time Max was over at Jane's house. Billy was sitting on the bed as he was flipping through the pages. Anastasia was fussing over her bandages as she was doing them herself. Closing the magazine. "Want me to help?"


Off the bed and on to the desk chair as he kneels down to help her. "It's healing up pretty good."

"I know the doc said that he can take the stitches out next weekend."

Finishing wrapping her arm up. "Good. So you can go swimming."

"Yup." Looking at Billy with a smile. "So... How did it go with Mrs Wheeler? Come on I want to know everything."

"Everything?" Billy looks at her. "Why do you want to know?"

"Come on I'm your best friend and I wanna know!" Gently pushing him. "So spill."

"Anastasia there's nothing to spill."

"What? Come on! She's so into you as you are with her."

"Anastasia she's married that's not fair, even if I did want to do it. Something stopped me along the away."

Curious on what made him stop alone the way. "Oh, what made you stop?"

Wanting to spill that it was going to be her. He wouldn't allow himself to do so. "Eh. Maybe that her husband would find out."

Looking into his eyes she smiled a little bit. To Anastasia, Billy has the most beautiful eyes in the world. She didn't care if he was mean to her, something was there to her that she could see past everything that he was going to do to her or not. Moving a piece of his hair to the back of his head. "There is that. But it takes two to tango. All I want from you is to be safe both ways." A hand went on Billy's cheek. "To me he's a dud anyways. He doesn't look at her the way that you do with her."

"Maybe he blew his chance or that is how he is Ana." Moving her hand off from his cheek he stands up. "Besides I have a feeling that she will change her mind. Like most woman here do."

Slowly Anastasia head went down. "Right." She too stands up and went back to her bed. "So who is plan B then?"

Following right behind her, taking off his shoes. "Are you sure you want to know all of this?" He thought it may cause her to be jealous. And didn't want that to happen.

"I'm sure Billy."

There was no plan B through Z he was playing a game towards her. Shelly, well he is still seeing her... But not like that. "Well there's Shelly."

"Yes, the cheerleader."

"Yeah. She's been coming to the pool lately."

"I'm not shocked that she isn't jealous of Mrs. Wheeler."

"That's what I been thinking. Aren't girls supposed to know theses types of things?"

"Some should. But when they are dating or flirting with a hottie they get real dumb quick." To be in their shoes. Anastasia lies down in her bed with Billy.

"Who do you fancy?"

'You, that's it. Just you. No one else could compare to you.' Placing a pillow behind her back. "Well..." She started to make up a guy. Not to make him feel jealous. Which he won't in her mind. "His name is Isaac, we see each other when we have big school meetings for home schooling. I mean he's nice. But I wouldn't say fully crush ya'know?"

Hearing all of it, well frankly it made him sad. He lost to another man. I guess that notices her that wanted to be with her more than Billy could ever commit. "Well maybe we can do something with the four of us, if it ever becomes something." Did it break his heart to hear this? No, did it make him upset that she isn't in love with him? Yes. That means she wouldn't be available for him to talk to her. Wouldn't be fair for her if he was to love another and not her..

"Maybe." That day would never ever come. Anastasia started to get sleepy since she took one Advil, her head placed on Billy's shoulder as she starts to go to sleep. Playing with his rings that are a little lose and then went to his fingers.

Watching her falling a sleep as she lets her play with his rings and fingers. He just stayed the night with her, Max was over at Jane's and since his parents didn't care about his about he just stayed the night with Anastasia. 

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