Thee ugly cry, God she hated the ugly cry. Anastasia didn't want to cry in front of him any longer, he didn't care. In fact he would to hold her and let her cry. Peaking through the door that wasn't fully shut. Billy knocks on the door. She didn't come to it at first. "I know you are there Ana. Listen cry all you want but he doesn't deserve those tears. Cry all you want too. I just wanted to let you know that I am here."
"I hate ugly crying."
"So do I." Billy pushes the door open as he slowly walks in.
"I would understand-"
Billy sat on the floor next to her bedside were she is at. "Nope. We are still going young lady. Even if I have to throw you over my shoulders."
Rubbing her nose as she sniffles. "But I would win ya'know."
Bumping her gently. "Oh really how so?"
"I'm to heavy."
"Have you seen my muscles?" He flexed them to make her laugh a little. Which it did but not enough. "So.. want me to help get ready?" His hand went out as he waited for hers. "I don't know much about makeup but I can try."
And that made Anastasia laugh. "Billy... That is not necessary." Her hand went into his.
He gave it a squeeze. "Okay girl let's get going then. I'll talk to Max while you are getting ready."
"No more crying over that man. At least not tonight."
"Okay." Faking a smile as she let go of his hand so he could leave. Shutting the door behind him, she did look in the mirror. "Look at me. I'm a total mess. I guess pretending one night wouldn't hurt." She felt ugly not because of the cry. But because of all those words that her father always told her throughout the years, was stuck in her head. Wearing a nice casual dress with her hair up on a messy bun that looked nice and then some bootie boots. S she was getting dressed she slept telling herself it was all make believe. So she wouldn't hurt Billy. Coming down the stairs Billy was talking to her papa. They both stood up when she enters the room. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything."
"Nah. I was just telling Billy here to bring you home safe. Doesn't matter what time you come home. And that if you two party please call Toni and Austin one of them will pick the two of you up." Mr. Portland grins with a smile on her face.
"Thank you sir. I promise you I'll bring her home in one piece." He smiled at his boss. Then he turns to look at Anastasia. "Ready?"
"Yes." Heading over to her papa to kiss him goodnight. Then they left while the girls was having a moving night and swimming.
Billy had open the door for her and then closed it. He got into his side and they drove off. The radio was on as he drove a little over the spread limit but no cops were ever parked out there anyways. They head on the highway. Billy handed a pack to Anastasia. "Want to try?"
"I can't. I'm highly allergic to it. But you can."
"What?" Having a stick in his mouth. "Damn girl, what else are you allergic too?"
"Well cloves and if I stay out to long with a fire pit. It's over."
"Alright, alright." They stopped at the stop sign. He placed a hand on her inner thigh. Her hand went on top of his, he thought that she was going to move it off but she didn't. That made him smile.
"So what drawn you to this place that we are going too?"
"Mercury, it's a bar but it has wonderful food and we can basically do whatever there. Karaoke, pool, drugs. You name it, they got it."
This was making Anastasia a little nervous. 'Any? Papa would kill me if I ever did pot. What does this man have plans for tonight?' Looking outside the window as they were passing places. "Oh. Is this where Tina and Tommy take you sometimes?"
"Yeah sometimes."
'So he is taking me to a place where he takes Shelly. Wonderful. This isn't a date whatsoever.' Her stomach was doing flips. "Can't wait." Anastasia always told herself. 'fake it until you make it.' And this was one of them.