Anastasia came back and brought ice cream. "So back there are some broads that you can ride Billy whenever you are ready. They close at nine but we can rent them."
"But I'm the only one who is surfing. And that would be a waste of money."
Max spoke up. "I was hoping that you don't mind teaching me Billy?"
Billy looked at her. "Yeah?"
"Yeah. I mean I ride a skateboard, how hard can the be?"
"Well Max they are a little different. Sure you have to balance your body, but the waves, that is another story." Billy took one of the ice creams. Max took the other.
"So then are you going to teach then?"
"Sure. But Max are you ready to be up at five in the morning. That is the best time for waves."
"I'm willing."
"Alright then I'll teach you in the morning then."
"Thank you Billy."
When he finished his ice cream he got a board and went out to the water, the waves were kicking in tonight, leaving Anastasia and Max on their own. Max started to make her own sand castle while Anastasia watched them both. "I wish that you were more than just my friend/sister."
"What are you talking about Max?"
"Billy doesn't know this. Or if he does he doesn't care. Anyways, my mom started to drink more while she is with Neil. Remember that project that you and Jane helped me with?" Anastasia nods. "My mom never showed nor did Neil. I thought maybe that they had forgotten, sadly she didn't forget, she was drunk and just didn't care."
"That doesn't sound like your mom at all."
"Right, I thought maybe it was because she had a hard day at work and just didn't want to show. Nope she was drunk and was with Neil this whole time."
"I'm so sorry Max."
"You come to everything, like Steve and my friends. If I ask you guys will be there. Hell even Steve fought with Billy and yet here is Steve trying hos best." Max sighed as she stopped playing in the sand. "I wish I was 18, move far away."
Anastasia moved closer to Max. "Then that means you'd be far from me. I understand, so does Billy he doesn't want to admit it but he does. Come here." Max lies her head on Anastasia. "If I could I would take guardian of you in a heart beat. I know that you love your mother, there is no doubt about that. You just want to move where it is safe, safe from Neil, safe from Billy."
"This is going to sound awful. When I was younger and I still feel this way. I wish something bad would happen to Billy, awful things. Car crash anything so he would just leave me alone. I know I must be an awful sister."
Anastasia ran her finger through Max's thick long red hair. "No Max, I know how you feel. I do that all the time with Joe. He too had a fast car and would drive around so fast even when I'd beg him not to. But he did and I wished that something would happen to him as well. Maybe not death but just to scare him."
Max smiled knowing how someone else felt the same way as she did. "Since he met you, he's changed little by little. The more he is with you, the more he isn't that bad of an asshole he is." Max watched Billy surf while they talked. "I wouldn't want to move far away just enough to get away from them. You'know?"
"Yeah. Let's say I did take you in. I'd be 18 next year and papa did say I could live with him for however long I wanted too, once he has passed this will be my place. Or my family's place. I want to move too. So if I did take you in what about your friends? School?"
"I would miss Jane the most and then Lucas. But it 's only a dream."
"What if it didn't have to be. I know you'd miss your mom and we would come back to visit."
"I guess to be away for awhile wouldn't hurt." Max thought about it even more. "If you did, I would miss my mom a lot but if this keeps going, I'd have to leave. I cannot stand seeing my mother like this. Billy picks on me when he can." Max started to cry.
Anastasia held her close. "It's all going to be okay. I'll always fight for you and your silly brother. You hear me? " Rocking her to calm her down "I'm right here. I'm not planning on going anywhere."