Part 34

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Ten am and Billy was already over to her house, it was his day off. His home work all cought up. Anastasia got out of bed since Mrs. Dudly had woken her up. Headed towards the kitchen Mrs. Dudly said.

"Mr. Hargrove is here and is waiting for you at the pool side."

"Of course he is." Taking her coffee outside. Billy was swimming. This was his day off, no body cared that he was there because he was a friend of the family now. Sitting down as Billy popped up from being under the water. Shaking his head as he come up. Hand whips his face. Crossing her legs as she took a sip of coffee.

"Mornin sunshine." He walked up the pool stairs.

"Morning." She wanted him badly so bad. That she felt her self getting wet. Holding her legs tight together as Billy comes out of the water.

"I thought I was going to come up to your room to wake you up." Taking his towel from a chair. Wrapping around his waist he heads towards her.

"It's only ten Billy. And I didn't think you'd be here after last night."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Billy takes her coffee and take a sip. Anastasia didn't mind that.

"Cause of last we got into a fight."

"You think that was a fight? No darlin that was a big disagreement. Besides we both were a little tipsy. Believe me that was no fight." Giving back her coffee, taking a seat next to her.

Thinking that it was she kept that to herself no on ever lifts her up and put her in her room unless if she was fighting someone or promised to hurt them when they least expect it. "So then you have the whole day to yourself then?"

"Eh maybe."

'Yeah that is a good answer Billy.' Mrs Dudley brought out some breakfast. "Thank you ma'am." Billy was hungry after a long swim. Anastasia just stares at him for awhile. He looks right at her. "Can I help you?"

"No." Taking the fork out of the napkin as she began to eat.

Then Mr. Portland comes out, be already ate. Sitting down right with them. "So Anastasia, I know you are going to be mad at me."

"Let me guess, my dearest of a father has requested you to come to his aid. Or you are going somewhere that mean you are traveling." Anastasia wouldn't be please with both of those. Billy stayed out of it as much as he could.

"I'm sorry honey, but one of my stock brokers are in another state and they need my help."

"Can't you send Toni, or Anderson?"

"They are coming with me."

"Great so two of your best men are going and I'm stuck here yet again." Anastasia sighed. "Fine. But if something does happen to you. They will have war."

"I'm sorry princess. Really I am. Look I will be back within three weeks. And after that if you want to go somewhere with me we can go."

"You said that the last time. But here we are. Just be safe." This time she is over it.

"I promise, and heck you can have a party here with the girls. No boys. Am I right Billy?"

'If that means I can't come over shit I'm fucked.' Billy nods.

As Mr. Portland continues. "Billy is more than welcome to come over since he is part of my staff. Or his friends at work."

Anastasia acts like she is listening. 'Great people that I don't like get to come here. Might as well hang myself now. Just be over with it.' Quick look at both of them as they were talking about the rules. 'Look at him, so bad, broken.. if I was born into another life skinny and beautiful, hell I'd be all over him. Why do men have types? I mean I kinda get why.. but isn't being big beautiful too? I guess not. I'm not hungry anymore. Why should I be?' Her papa snaps his finger in front of her face. Snapping out of it. She was looking at the pool to long. "Sorry, deep train of thought."

"That's alright dear I'm leaving tonight. Casey and Chris will be on the look out."

"Okay." She threatened them two their life's if they fucked up like they did the last time. Four people came into her house while she was alone and stole everything. She was scared to be alone in that house.

Kissing the top of her forehead. "Alright my love, behave both of you." He left.

"You don't look happy about being alone."

"No, but I deal with it."

"You don't have too ya'know. I'm sure Max would love to stay a week with you since it's almost summer."


"Or I can stay.."

"That's up to you Billy."

"Please talk to me. If it's about last night, I'm not sorry, but if you are hurt, I am sorry."

Shaking her head. "No. It's not that Billy. Last time I was alone. I got the shit beat out of me because two idiots, thought it was a great idea to have party and not lock up afterwards." Anastasia sighed out of frustration.

"How about this we can have party here."

"Billy, I don't like people. Hell I don't even like myself. Papa did say you can have one." Standing up. Taking off her too she has a suit on. Jumping into the pool.

As she jumped he whispered. "I like you."

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