Thankfully nothing happened, two more days of school left and Billy was more than ready to spend it with Anastasia. Along with working. Just to get away.
One fine day Billy lies on Anastasia's lap. "Can I tell you somethin?"
"Of course Billy." Her fingers ran through his curly hair.
"After you had been shoot I had a dream about us. It wasn't a normal dream that says they lived happily ever after. This was more like, we worked out for a little bit and then I made your life a living hell after that. You got guardian ship over Max she came to live with us because Neil was hurting her deeply. And yet you and I love each other that we hurt each other. Like I found a ultrasound sound and I got so pissed in another dream that I had with in that dream. I screamed at you threaten to kill you. Oh Anastasia, it was awful. When I tried to make it right you ended up with Steve out of all people. Eddie I would understand. But Steve not so much."
"Well let's say if I was right now for example. What you would want?"
"Well one we are way to young and two... I don't know if your papa will allow me to live here. He might as well kill me." He crossed his arms as he was lying on his side. "I don't know if I would want to keep it. I'm afraid that I'll end up like him."
"I totally get where you are coming from. Cause I don't want to have cancer like my mother. Hell I don't want to fall in love and treat my husband like shit. It isn't fair or right. And Joe did have a point I don't think that my dear papa wouldn't be able to take care of another child.."
"It's sad that we all can't move on from them isn't?"
"It is. But let's say that we wouldn't turn out like our parents. I would so want kids."
"For me I still don't know for we are both young adults."
Night falls as they both stayed up past their bedtimes, just sitting on the porch swing. "At school I did miss you. But now that I'm over here half of the time I think it was a good idea. We have one more year left until we graduate."
"Awe that's sweet. I'm sure you do t miss me when you are flattering other ladies.. which I don't care."
"Haha. Yeah. I'm a real charmer. But I just want one person in the end that's all."
"I know Billy."
June comes out who works for Anastasia grandpa. "Anastasia your papa says it's time to come in."
"Two more minutes and I'll be in."
"Alright dear. Night Billy."
"Night June." Billy slowly sat up. "I'll see you tomorrow since it's my last day of school little shit head might be over."
"Okay. But just a heads up. So are the boys that Max and Jane and I hang out after school."
"Let me guess Lucas is going to be here."
"Yes. Please try not to fight with him. If he bugs you we can go for little while."
Billy nods. As he heads down the stairs Billy turns around. "Let's say that my dream did some what come true about you taking Max with us and being her guardian. You would wouldn't you?"
"In a heart beat Billy. In a heart beat." Anastasia smiled as she waves goodnight.
Billy walks home and snuck back into his bedroom, lights weren't on. Billy climbs back into his window and starts getting ready for bed. A knock at the door with sniffles behind it. Billy rushed getting his clothing off and just leveling shorts on. Opening his door it was Max. Max had a bruise on her left cheek from Neil while her mother wasn't home. Neil just got mad at her for no reason.
As much as Billy hates her, what he hate even more is his dad picking on her, not only is she a girl, but it can get their family into deep shit if anyone saw this. Billy let's her into his room. "What happened?"
"I told him no and he didn't like that answer."
With a small sigh Billy point to his bed. "Sit there I'll get a pack of ice." Leaving the room the TV was still on as Neil was passed out drunk. He wanted to hit him so badly for the time he hit him over the years. And now for hitting Max. In the freezer the got some ice and headed back into his room. Handing her the pack of ice he said. "I can take you back to your room and stay until you fall asleep if that helps."
Max shook her head no. "I just wanted to show you, that you aren't the only one he hurts now."
Billy wanted to not care for her. But they grew up together. "Keep that I've on until you fall asleep. In the morning we can go visit Anastasia. She has stuff that you can use to help cover that up."
Max headed back to his door. "Billy?"
"Thanks. I know I don't tell you as much but I wish things could had turned out differently for the both of us."
"Goodnight Max."
"Night Billy."