Part 49

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Billy got ready to go, as Anastasia took a shower since Max went to bed early so she can skateboard in the morning. Her perfume enters their bedroom, Billy stares in the mirror looking at the bathroom door. "Why am I going?" He spoke to himself. He normally doesn't do that. Seeing is old self coming out. Shaking it off he went to the bathroom. "Anastasia?"


"I'm going to go now."

"Okay, have fun." Then her stomach was doing some flips, she felt like she wanted to throw up. Imagining him being with prettier girls, it finished her off. Cover her mouth as she waits for him to leave. Once he did, she got out of the shower and started to throw up. It was bad, like real bad. Not normal. After she was done she curled up into a ball once she had changed.

At the party it was different from the ones at home. Billy took a beer as the girl came to greet him. "Great you made it."

"Yeah I can only stay for an hour."


"Nice to meet you Casey. I'm Billy."

"Nice to meet you as well. I thought you had a girlfriend."

"I do." At least that is what Billy hopes for when he comes back. "Her head ache is a killer one."

"And she let you go by yourself? Someone could snatch you up."

"She trusts me, just as much as I trust her." Chugging his beer.

"You can put that away and still look this good?"

"I work out when I can. And I have to be careful as well, I don't want to lose my girl."

"Of course not. Any girl would be lucky to have you Billy."

Billy chuckles. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

​ Billy was partying with Casey for five hours they were having fun. Anastasia threw up some more while Max woke up. Getting her some water and sprite. "Want me to go and get him?"

"No honey. I think I can take it from here. Go back to sleep."

"You need someone taking care of you. So I'm going to help."

"Thank you Max."

Coming back, Max was pissed as Billy walked into the house drunk. Max led him to the couch. "Where's Anastasia?'

"In bed, sick. While you broke your promise of staying for two hours."

"Sick?" He stumbles with his words.

"Yeah asshole. Get some sleep before Ana kicks your ass."

Nodding off as he did go to sleep. Max woke up Billy the next morning. Sun is bright as can be, as Billy moans. "Any better?"

"I must have eaten something." Ana was stuck in bed for the day since she was doing a little bit better.

Billy could hear some of it as he slowly got up. He heads to the room wobbling. Leaning in the doorway. "What's going on?"

"Anastasia had the 24 hour flu while you were partying." Max bumps into him to get her something small to eat.

"Ana, I didn't know." Walking into their room as he stumble.

"It's fine." It wasn't as harsh but it was raw. Smell of toast smelt so wonderful she could not wait to eat it in small bites.

"No its not Anastasia." He sat on the bed. "I should never had left. This is all on me."

"No, I told you to go. It's not your fault." Max brought her the toast as Max gave Billy some coffee. "Thank you so much Max. For lunch you can have whatever you want."

"Really? I can order the pizza that was a mile down, with extra cheese and olives." Naming off some of the toppings that she loves, to make Billy gag over food. That was her revenge for him not being there.

Billy made a face at her as Anastasia took a bite of her toast and then said with a mouth full. "Sure honey, whatever you want."

Max skipped out of the room, as Billy headed to the bathroom to take a shower and then take care of her when he sober up more. "You okay to be on your own until I'm out?" Nodding her head as he left the door open a smidge open.

Shower woke him up with the coffee as well, when he got out. Anastasia was passed out, he smiled as he got dressed. Walking out the room Max was watching tv from another end of the couch. "Thanks for taking care of her while I was out."

"Whatever Billy. But you soon better confess to Anastasia soon."

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw you with this so-called 'Casey' kissing and Anastasia saw it too. Because you caused such a fuss with Casey."

"Did I?"

"Yeah nearly killed her as she ran into the bathroom. I'm a little shocked that she wanted to speak to you."

Rubbing his head, he fucked this up so badly like he knew he would. But he didn't want it to be so soon. Heart went to his pit to his stomach. "I'm sorry Max. I should never had left even if I wanted to. I should had fought her on it more."

"Wait she made you go?"

"She thought it would be a good idea and see what it was like after I left. And now I remember why I didn't care to party down here." Looking around. "If you were Anastasia how would you want me to fix it."

Max sighed as she threw the remote on the couch. "Stay with her and not leave her side, until she is better and say that you are sorry. And that you feel awful and that you are an ass."

Hands went to fists as he got angry, getting up going back to their room. Billy got out a book that he was never going to read. Anastasia woke up as she saw Billy looking at her. "What time is it?"


Sitting up a little. "Dang, I must had needed that sleep."

"Otherwise still feeling a little bit sick, how are you feeling?"

"Raw. But that will pass."

"It will and I'll be here when you do get better. My turn to take care of you."

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