Part 56

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Months went by poor Max who hadn't seen her mother, but Anastasia would always do her best by being there for her. Braiding her hair, taking her to the park where she could skateboard. Billy began to think that Max isn't that bad after all. Basketball began soon enough but he needed a legal guardian to sign his papers, tossing his paper away Timothy saw it. "Billy my boy. Did you forget to show me this?"

"No. It's okay."

"You're right it is a no. If you want to play, I'm more than welcome to sign it for you. They know that you are staying at my house when classes are given out. But that means when you leave for the far away games. I hate saying this you are the man of the house while I'm gone. But that doesn't mean that they can't or can go with you."

It was a little easier living with the Portland's but Billy still had to watch over them, but this time he was okay with that. He wasn't bullied into it. "I can deal with that."

"Wonderful." He signs the paper. "Hand that in when you have the chance too or not it is up to you." He would never force him to do something that he wasn't happy with, unless if it was his job.

Borrowing a car so Billy could take Anastasia on a date right after dropping Max off at Jane's. "So where are we off to Billy?"

"It's the shake shack that you've been talking about. You have been so paition with me over a few months that I wanted to treat my girl into something nice."

"You didn't have too."

"Didn't have to have to?" He laughed. "Honey you have been bugging me about this place."

"To much?"

"No." His hand went behind her head rubbing the back of her neck. "You are wonderful doll."

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