Nothing happened up there just helping him finding his keys. The girls stayed for awhile. Usual happenings older woman there even Mrs. Wheeler. Otherwise it was all flirting. Well to him.. for now. Getting off early he went home and was about to head out until he saw Max crying as she was heading up the stairs. Bumping into her. He grabs hold of her.
"Max stop crying over Lucas or over that dumb skateboard of yours." Shaking her. Seeing something was even more wrong. "Max?"
"Anastasia dad was horrible to Jane and I and I know I can handle a lot Billy but it was to the point that Anastasia had to lie to him to get me out. Jane went outside to the out house." Calming herself down. Blowing out hot air away from Billy. "Sorry Billy I shouldn't had unloaded to you. Is my mom home?"
"No. Is he there now?"
"Yes she kept threatening him to get out or she.. I don't know I just left.. I was going to get mom to go over." Just having her mom would help.
"Get into the car. Now." They ran right to the car.
Screaming at the top of her lungs. "Stop it dad, just stop."
"Oh you think that, that "boy" is going to treat you nicely.. sure he might take you out treat you ever so nicely and them wam.... He will ask to get into your panties and that next thing you know... He will leave you. They will all leave you because the way that you look and how you are Anastasia! Just cancel him. Boys like him are shit, he is just dragging you along." He spat that into her face. Staying strong along with tears in her eyes. "You think you deserve happiness... But you don't. So I beg of you so you don't end up hurting yourself and I don't have to carry your casket because you are to dang big." Walking away from her. "You are all that I have left from your mother. All the family that I have."
"So treat me like it. Instead of being so vulgar with me all the damn time. I deserve happiness just like you or any other person in this hell of a world. So what if he breaks my heart and spits me out. At least I know what is love."
"It's fake love."
"Then I would rather have that then being alone."
"You are sad. Look at you. That's why you eat. And you eat. Cause you know that you will end up alone. Don't waste the boys time. Besides if the two of you have sex and got pregnant... Believe me when I tell you this little girl. I'm not taking care of it nor is papa." Walking away from her.
Billy and Max heard the whole thing. Billy was beyond angry with Joe. Why would a father ever want to say those things. Wait Neil. Max knocked on the door, as Anastasia whips the tears off her face. "Coming." Opening the door, Max hugged Anastasia.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." A fake smile with holding back the tears. "Jane is waiting for you while Mrs. Dudley is making cookies." Giving her a squeeze Max let go, now it's just Billy and Anastasia. Staying strong Anastasia coughs a little into her arm. "Sorry about that."
"He always treats you like that?"
"Yeah only when he doesn't get what he wants. Papa just told him that once he passes the business down to me. And he thought it was going to him... He hardly ever here he doesn't know what going on. I mean I can run it but not like papa." Angry sigh. "I'm sorry that Max and you had to hear that. Believe me."
Comforting her the best way he could. "I don't toy with people Anastasia."
"I know."
Joe comes down seeing the two of them. "It's for the best kids."
"Excuse me sir. What is for the best?" Billy didn't understand. But he played it cool.
"That Anastasia is cancelling the date. She has far better things."
"Oh. Well you see sir. When we planned this she was free and still is free."
"Fine, I am cancelling your date."
"With all due respect. She doesn't not live under your house hold sir. She lives under your farther in law. If he says that I cannot I will follow his rules not yours."
Pointing at Billy as he laughs a little. "Well lookie here we a got ourselves a big boy."
Anastasia stood in front of Billy and her dad. "I won't have this. You already made yourself look like a monster in front of my friends."
Joe laughs again. "You don't have friends." Looking at Billy. "You can leave and take you brat of a sister with you."
Anastasia pushes Joe. "Don't ever disrespect anyone like that again. Get out."
"Or what Anastasia? Your going to.. what? Hit me?"
"You would never hurt a fly, pig." Next thing Joe knows that he is down on the ground from Anastasia giving him the right hook.
"You're right I wouldn't. But monsters like you I would."
"You should look in the mirror and sees who the real monster piggy."
Mr. Portland heard and saw the whole thing. "That is enough Joe. And you wonder why people don't like you. Pack your stuff up and leave. Don't return again unless if Anastasia calls for you."
Joe was angry at Anastasia and slapped her across the face. "Bitch." Then he went up stairs to gather his things.
Billy didn't have cold hands but he placed them on her cheeks. Mr. Portland went to go get some ice. "Dang girl, you are braver than I am."
Anastasia starts to let lose, her tears came down ten times faster. She never wanted anyone to see her like this. "I'm okay Billy."
"Yeah..sure you are." Mr. Portland cams back and then left to make sure that Joe will leave. Another year falls as he whips it was with his thumb. "I never could do what you have done."
"I hope you don't. Believe me right now I feel sick about it."
"Don't. He definitely deserve it. Trust me." The ice patch went on her knuckles. "I think that the girls deserve to watch a movie here and I should still take you out."
"No you're not backing out. Please don't. He's an ass. He is going to win if you let him."
"Okay you win."