Part 17

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Billy did that, came over with school work. Anastasia could barely sit up but she found away to mark the paper or answer it. Glances from time to time to make sure that she was okay. Falling asleep and then she would jerk herself up. Looking at Billy who was writing a paper. As she went back to work herself.

Pencil placed down as Billy looks at the mirror. "Are you having nightmares?"

Anastasia sighed. "Sometimes."

"Do people come in here to check on you?"

"I try not to call out for them. Unless if it's bad." Anastasia takes a look at Billy who was starting at her. "Billy is there something that I don't know and you do?"

"There's lots of things that you don't know and I do and it goes the same with you Anastasia."

Sighing again. "Billy."

"Anastasia." He mocked her as he turns to face her.

"I mean it. You know something about my attacker."

Sitting on the queen bed Billy told her. "I figured that it was Joe, not your dad but Joe from school did this to you."

That made Anastasia sad to know that someone else knows who it was, she wasn't going to tell anyone. It wasn't worth it. "How did you know it was him?"

"Because I saw the way he treated you after when I told you to say no to him." His head touched the wall as he looks at another wall. "I broke his nose, told him fair was fair."

"But why would you do something like that for me?"

"Because you are my friend and I would do anything for my friend." He winked at her.

"Oh stop it." With chuckle she moans in pain. "I told you not to make me laugh."

Billy laughed a little. "It was well worth it."

With a little sigh, closing her eyes as she tries to make the pain go away. "How was your date with Shelly?"

"It was good. I think I pissed her off though."

"How come?"

"I left while she feel asleep."

"Billy, that wasn't nice you could wrote her something."

"I know. But I just wanted to go home. I told her I was sorry. And that was that."

"Are you planning on seeing her tonight or Mrs. Wheeler?"

Rolling his eyes as he looked down towards her. "Now how did you know about that?"

"Oh come on Billy you are a hot stud! Any woman would want to be with you."

"Ahh that's nice of you to think that." Cheeks got all red. "I'm sure one day, you will find someone to love you just like I will."

"You want know something.." Billy nods. "When papa was in his 30s he made a deal with my grandmother, by the time they got to an age and they weren't married yet that they would marry each other."

"Why in god's name would anyone want to do that?" He thought that was very dumb.

And that broke her heart not knowing why it was breaking. "I don't know I thought that was sweet."

"If you are looking for that with me Ana, I'm sorry I don't think I could do that with you."

Ouch another stab. Trying to get out of it. "No, I didn't mean with us, I was just trying to change the subject. Sorry."

"Yeah okay.. I better get going." Getting off the bed. "I'll come back tomorrow with more of your homework." Grabbing his things.

"See you then." It was time for her medicine. After he left Ana cried herself to sleep not over what he said but she was in so much pain that Ana couldn't bare it.

Out on the porch Billy kicked himself. He knew better to not put her down. She was already down as it was. Turning back he almost went in.. but stop himself. He would be fun of too if he started to care more about her. Pushing himself away from her had to be better.

The girls did come over to bring Anastasia homework and they stayed there with her. Coming over for weeks, no Billy he was done. He changed his mind about being bullied if he liked her. He just didn't want her to end up getting hurt by him. Just like Joe had said along with his father.

Anastasia never asked about him. And tries not to think about him, for her it was to hard. So she fell into depression. 

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