Picking up Shelly he sees Joe talking to Anastasia at the end of the street. Looking like an ugly conversation, Billy wanted to step in but wasn't really sure on what was really going on. "Hand my a cigarette would you?" He points to the glove compartment.
Shelly got it out. "Mind if I have one?" Seeing that his mind was somewhere else.
"Sure." He started up the car again. Taking the cigarette and lighting it up.
"Penny for your thoughts?" As she lighted hers.
"Something is on your mind Billy."
Still staring at Anastasia, he grabs her wrist and she yanks away ending hurting herself. Leaving her in tears. Anastasia got up brushed herself off, crossing her arms as she was crying and walking away from Joe as fast as she can. Bloody lip with a black eye. He felt bad for her, wanting to pull over to check up. But he was busy and just continue drive off.
On this date he never thought about Anastasia, he thought about Shelly and how to get the party on. "My parents aren't home if you want to come in."
"Is that so?" Charming smile he stroked her inner thigh.
"Yes. So do you want to come in?"
Leans in. "Do you want me too?"
"Yes. But I'm not going to force you."
"Then let's go in."
In her home, they took each other clothing off and headed towards her room. They had hot sex, meaningless sex. When they had finished Billy placed the sheets over Shelly and left the bedroom as he was putting his clothing on. He didn't want to wake her up. And besides not know when her parents were coming home.
Arriving three minutes before being late, Billy went right to his room. Max and Jane were whispering. "I hope that Anastasia is alright. Her papa took her to the hospital."
"From what her aunt said that this guy cracked both of her rips." Jane sadly said.
Not only he didn't get a date out of her, so he decided to beat the crap out of her. Like why? Yeah now he felt a real ass. Going into his room to smoke, he wanted to plan to go see here.
Taking Max and Jane to see Anastasia, Billy had to do some aaron's for his dad. He will pick them after when he is done. Seeing Joe, Billy pops Joe a broken nose. "Touch her again, and it's not going to end well for you."
Spitting out blood on Billy. "So you do, truly do have feeling for the fatty lard." He laughs. "You know what, one day you will hurt her so badly Billy. And she will never know what she is truly missing."
"And what is that?"
"A real juice cock inside her."
"Now who's the real pig?"
Hopper walks by the two of them. "What's going on fellas?" Seeing that they both had blood.
"Nothing." Saying in unison.
"It was a misunderstanding that what it is." Joe said.
"Yeah, a big misunderstanding." Billy smirks at Hooper.
"Alright then both of you can move along then."
And they did. Billy went right over to Anastasia house. Anastasia was in bed as the girls were on the floor giggling as they read the magazine. Knocking on her door the girls looked over at the door and Max sighed. "Is time for us to go?"
Billy enters the bedroom. "Sorry ladies, no but I do need to speak with Anastasia though."
The girls left the room as Anastasia looked so pitiful. Barely could see out of one eye. "You okay?"
"I should be asking you that." He doesn't dare tell her about last night seeing the fight.
"I'm fine Billy, really. You didn't have to come down here." With a tiny smile that's all she could really do.
"Eh your my neighbor, heard Max and Jane talking. So who was the sorry ass that got away?"
"It's not important." She started to cough as some blood came out. Grabbing a tissue and dappling her mouth. "Sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry about. I just hope that the other guy got it worse."
Shaking her head no she crossed her arms. "He attacked me." Not even saying who it was Anastasia looks away from him. "Here I act so tough and yet I got so scared."
Sitting in her bed he patted her knee. "When we act tough we also get scared. So I guess no school for awhile eh?"
Swallowing hard shaking her head. "No." Looking ashamed so ashamed.
In the end he did feel bad for her. Trying to make her smile. "What can I do to make you smile, hmm?"
"Nothing right now, it hurts to laugh."
Moving closer to her. "Okay what can I do to make you be happy again?"
"Just being my friend." Just a little smile.
"Well your on luck." He chuckles. "Tomorrow I can bring homework over and we will work on it together and go from there. What do you say?"