Billy rushed over to Anastasia with Max. Anastasia heard Billy's car a mile away. Stepping out of the house Max rushed to Anastasia and just hugged her to tightly. Anastasia pulled her into a hug as she moved Max a little. "What the hell?" Looking at Billy.
Max could tell that she was thinking it was Billy. "It wasn't him. It wasn't. It was Neil." Her head went back to Anastasia chest.
"Max stop crying so Anastasia can do her magic."
"Billy why don't you come in and sit down for a minute." Saying that a little harsh to Billy. "Now let's take some deep breath and we will go upstairs and I'll braid your hair real fast hmm?"
Billy slams the door. Walking into the house he sat on the couch. Sitting down he kept to himself as he looked at photos of Anastasia and her mother before she past along with her father Joe. Two baby pictures that Anastasia was hold two babies. So much kinder than he could ever be to a kid. They are both on the same page of not wanting kids. Deep down maybe he would want one to prove to his dad that he can be a better dad than Neil ever was to him.
Ten minutes goes by as Billy went up the stairs, Anastasia had just finished the braid. "Alright my little chap, I hope that you have a wonderful day and I'll see you later tonight."
"Thank you Anastasia for everything."
"That's what I do for people who I love." Hugging Max and gave a little tap on the butt. "Alright, I'm sure Billy is coming up the stairs. I love you." Letting go of Max.
"Love you too." Max opened the door and saw Billy. "I'm ready."
"Okay go to the car I'll be there in a minute." Max quickly went down stairs. "You know I've been thinking."
"About what Billy?"
"What if we one day did have kids weather it's together or not. Wouldn't be nice to prove to them that we can do so much better than they ever did."
Anastasia smiled. "It sure would be nice, wouldn't it Billy?"
"I'll see you later then."
"See ya and please drive safe."
"Don't I always babe?" He chuckles as he left her bedroom door, going down stairs and to his car.
"Are we going to be okay Billy?"
"We sure are little shit."