First week went by so fast, Billy finally taught Max how to surf. Five am, Ana comes out to watch them from the porch. Drinking her coffee was so peaceful, not a fight maybe a snap or two but they walked away. They stayed out there for hours by noon they had came back in as Max was mad at Billy. "It was just a thought Billy, you didn't have to lose your shit."
"What happened?" Anastasia had some of the lunch brought out.
"Why don't you ask your boyfriend."
"Max knock it off you little shit."
Billy was about to get rough with her but Anastasia got in the middle. "Max go take a shower honey."
"You always side with her."
"Do we have to have this talk again Billy?"
"No." Taking out one of his smokes.
"Tell me what happened."
"A girl came up to ask me something and Max thought I was flirting with her and I wasn't. I thought it was called being nice. The girl asked to see if she could come over before I could even get a chance to tell her, well I don't know... Max blew up. Saying that I have a girlfriend and that I was spoken for."
Now she understands why Max was angry. "Did you want this chick over here? A chick may I remind you that you or I don't know."
"The old me would have, but no I don't. She asked along the way if I wanted to go to a party."
"Do you?" Crossing her arms.
"Apart of me yes other part I feel like if I do, you won't be here when I get back."
Since they aren't a real couple Anastasia blew him off. "Do what you want Billy. " Here we go again. 'Stop it Ana, Joe was right. In the end he will hurt you and you will end up alone.'
"Nah. That's the old me. I'm staying, I have you and I have out there."
"Billy if you really want to go I won't stop you."
"Like I said, old me would have."
'Don't get your hopes up girl. If another fight happens, you are taking Max home.' Anastasia fakes smiled at him. "Alright."
"No, please don't be like that. I'm trying my best."
"And I meant nothing by it Billy." Going back inside as she gathers up more of lunch. "Pick out what drink you want."
"Why do I feel like the bad guy?"
"Your not Billy. Come out so we can eat lunch."
Max came out with shorts and a tank top. Later on Anastasia braided her hair. Eating lunch. "Max, I'm sorry that I snapped at you."
"It's okay. I shouldn't have snapped back." Really not looking at him. She was still hurt that he made a big deal out of it.
Still things were odd until there was a party two blocks down. Max was about to go to bed. Billy was outside listening to the party, drinking one beer. Anastasia knew that she couldn't control Billy nor did she want to. Leaning on the side door Anastasia could hear the party as well. "Billy, if you want to go, just go. I can handle it from here."
His hand motion for her to come to him as she walked to him slowly but a little bit fast. "Believe me I do. If I was on my own, I'd go in a heart beat." Pulling her on to his lap.
Sitting somewhat on his lap she didn't want the full weight on his legs. "But this is your home town."
"And... wait, why are you suggesting that I go?" Not that he minds it, is she pushing him away because that is the last thing he wanted.
"I feel like I'm making you not go because you are stuck with me and your sister and that's not fair to you."
Holding her tight. "I'm not stuck, I want to be with you. If you aren't there then I wont."
"Or you can go for two hours. Who knows you might have fun. I mean it's two hours." Patting his hands.
"Really? You trust me?"
"Yes. Please go. For real. Let loose have fun. You don't have to worry about Neil."
"But I do have to worry about two men. Timothy and Neil. If something happens to both of you. My ass will be hanging from the walls."
Anastasia laughed. "Now that I'd pay money to see."
Leaning back as he tugs her along, turning her to face him. "You would, wouldn't you?" Thinking about it. "Are you sure you want me to go and you are not pushing me away?"
"I swear. It's two hours heck if you want to stay three fine. But no longer than that."
"Kiss me."
"Um pass, cigarette breath and I don't mix well." Winking at him as she tries to get away from him he held her a little bit longer. "I promise you my life I'm okay with you going to this party."
Billy kissed her shoulder blade. "As long as you are sure. Okay I'll go for two hours, well maybe for an hour."
"Great." Wiggling to get out. He still holds her tight. "But if you don't want to go, then don't I just want you to be happy."
"I am happy, as long if you are."
"I am."