Part 32

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Mercury's has a big ass light blinking as Billy turns into the parking lot. The nerves was making her more nervous then ever. When they parked Billy sighed. "Now before we go into there, there is going to be a lot of kids our age and older as well. So if you feel uncomfortable. Just tell me."

On the top of her lungs she wanted to scream. 'Lets go somewhere else!' With a smile on her face she nodded. "Alright."

Opening the door for her as they went inside. It was very loud not too crowded to make her feel uncomfortable. And there was the kid Joe. Great more stress. But maybe he will leave them alone. Sitting at a booth they sat on the same side. She was in the inner part and him on the putter part. So no one would bother them. Billy got a beer as Anastasia did as well.

"I never thought you would be a beer drinker."

"I'm not. Why not live a little?"

"That's my girl."

Ordering some food as they both got to talking. His shirt was always half wide open when he would go on dates. Anastasia looks at the neckless that his mother gave him.

"Tell me about her."

"Anastasia, I don't want to talk about any other girls. Understand?"

Anastasia understands, before she could say that Joe comes in. "Awe the two little shit birds."

"Joe, piss off." Billy said, he wasn't looking for a fight tonight.

"Ouch, that went to the heart Billy."

"If you had one." Grinding his teeth.

"Listen here asshole-"

Anastasia put a stop to this. "What you want Joe?"

"I want to know why you are on a date with him and not me? I am just as handsome as he is." You can tell that Joe is high and drunk.

Billy leans over as he was about to threaten him, Anastasia held his hand. "Because Joe, you said nasty things behind my back. I don't want to date a guy who does that."

"Billy here, does the exact same here princess. He talks about how he is going to fuck you and then leave. Like he always does. That's what he did to Shelly. It broke her heart until I BANGED HER." Joe laughed so hard.

Billy nearly stood up to beat him. But Anastasia held him down so Billy fakes a smile. "Good for you Joe. Kindly please leave. I plan to have fun tonight."

"With him?" He chuckled. "Yeah he is a bore."

"In fact Joe I do like weird boring people."

"Suit yourself whore." He got up as fast as he could thing that Billy was going to beat him.

"I could had took him."

"I know. But I didn't want you to fight, I had enough for one night." The bartender gave them beers. "Besides, I wanted you to tell me about your mother before we were rudely interrupted."


"I guess for conversation. We don't have to talk about her if you don't want too."

No one ever ask about his mother, some assume that she is dead. Or left. "It's not that I don't mind talking about her. I was forced to NOT talk about her."

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