Part 63

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Billy comes back home as he lies right next to Anastasia who had cried herself to sleep. Before lying down he went to the bathroom and saw that there was a pregnancy test in the garbage. That kinda made him smile and yet worry some. Changing his clothing and turning off the light, snuggling up to her he whispers. "I'm sorry. I'm going to do my best from now on I swear."

Anastasia turns over and curls up next to him. "I'm sorry that I hid this from you. I just wanted to show you that she still wanted you, just like I do."

"Thank you, from my bottom cold heart. Really. I love you. And I think I'll love the fact of being a dad."

"Yeah.. your not mad about that too are you?"

"No.. I should have seen it coming. We'll raise the baby with shitty Max until Susan comes and gets her whenever that may be."

"See I told you some where deep down that you love her."

"Love is a little strong word, care? I'd be okay with that."

"Fine care... But I still win."

Billy softly chuckles. "You always do babe you always do."

"I know." She kissed his chest as she falls right back to sleep, feeling safe in his arms.

His lips touched her forehead as he started to relax a bit more. But, kinda happy that he was going to be a father. He thought about that dear that he had in high school. That it somewhat turned out how he dreamed it but they ended up sticking together. "You're my happy ending whether you like it or not Anastasia. I hope you always know that." He glanced down at her as she was clinging on to her. That made him smile and fall back to sleep.

6 am as Billy got up to take a shower. He woke up Max and then Anastasia. "Morning, beautiful." As he gently shakes Anastasia.

"Morning already?"

"Sure is. It's six am and today I thought we'd go see my mother today."


"Yeah. I woke up at five and wrote her a letter. You want to read it?"

"I think that should be only for both of you, love."

"I don't mind. I want it to be perfect." Hands her a letter.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. read.. read.."

' Dear mom,

I hate writing but to you this will work.

I'm in my 20's now I go to college... did you hear that mom? I met the girl of my dreams... even though we both had shitty start in life. I left dad like I should have done a long time ago. But you know how in movies that prince charming gets to save the girl. I'm no prince charming... But the girl did save me.

She and her papa Timothy, they took me and my step sister Max... Which I do think we'll be raising her as well.

Mom, I do have to tell you a few things... I did become a shitty person in life. I was the bully that everyone hated. You made me promise you the day that you left to never become like 'him'. I never knew that dad was a good guy. I wish I could have known him just like you did.

This time mom, this time there's not going to be a repeat of Hargrove's beating their child or forcing them to do something that they don't want to do, unless they really have to. I see why now Neil always told me to watch Max along with Susan... I used to hate her... but now I look back all she was doing was caring for me, even if I didn't want it.

I am now becoming a dad, I don't care if it's a boy or a girl... this is my chance to make it right.

My girlfriend.. well one day she will be my wife, lead me to you and to your note. I used to think that you hated me and that you didn't love me anymore. That I was the true reason why you left, that I was the problem not Neil. Me... When I would fight with someone, when Neil hit me. I felt like it was all me. When all I wanted was for you to come and find me and take me home with you... I asked myself 'Why didn't you want me?' Now I see the light. YOU did want me YOU did love me... I'm proud to be your son. I hope wherever you are, that you are proud of me.

I love you mom.

Love William..'

By the end of the letter Anastasia cried. She read it out loud in case he wanted to reword anything. "Billy this is beautiful.. I'm sure she would be proud of you no matter what Billy." She hug him.

Max did listen and was at peace with the fact they won't love each other but caring that... that they can do..

Dropping off the letter where his mother is burried, he put two fingers to his lips and kissed it then putting it on the tomb stone. "Hi mama." He left the letter on the tomb stone with a rock on top of it. "This is Anastasia and my step sister Max." They both waved.. The three of them stayed for a while.

From behind the tree was a woman watching them, after they had left she slowly sneaked to the stone. "That's my beautiful boy." She mutters.

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